Chapter 8

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Another day meant that she'd have to go with Abhi tomorrow, alone. She sighed loudly and closed the windows and turned to resume her work.

And oh!

As soon as she turned, a small squeak left her mouth seeing the absolutely priceless sight before her eyes.

There stood Krishn with his face almost inside the pot full of their, a bowl in his hand and a spoon hanging to his mouth, his eyes closed in ecstasy looking as if he was indulging himself into a guilty pleasure while his nose was busy sniffing the sweet aroma.

"Oh my God!" Radha exclaimed amusedly and instantly covered her mouth with her hand when a giggle threatened to leave her lips.

Krishn's eyes, on the other hand immediately opened when he heard a muffled giggle somewhere near him. His eyes widened as he turned to his side just to see Radha standing there with her mouth covered with her hands and eyes brighter than ever.

The spoon almost fell from his mouth in that state of shock but thankfully he caught it in his free hand.

"It is n-not what it looks like. . ." he began explaining and this time Radha couldn't control. A loud laugh bubbled out of her lips and she tried covering it with her hands again, but literally to no avail. She had never been in a situation this funny before.

For instance, she had never seen someone relishing the whiff of the kheer so much. Secondly and most amusingly, she had never seen someone giving clarification of eating something, saying, 'It's not what it looks like'.

What even was this guy? She thought to herself, shaking her head, the little giggles never fully finishing in her mouth.

Meanwhile, an embarrassed yet fond smile grew on Krishn's face, seeing Radha laugh maybe for the first time. It didn't take him more than a few moments to decide that this was the most beautiful sound in the world.

A few seconds passed and Radha finally stopped.

"Are you done laughing?" He fake deadpanned and Radha shook her head.

"But I wasn't even laughing, I m-mean I was b-but - " she replied and giggled again and oh, did he just melt in a puddle.

He absolutely did.

He cleared his throat.

"Anyhow, I have a question." He said, trying hard to maintain his composure.

"What?" she croaked, clearing her throat, her voice hoarse from giggling continuously.

"Are you, by any chance, the chef behind this gorgeous smelling food?" he asked seriously and she wanted to laugh loudly this time. Why even was he so serious about the kheer?

She nodded nonetheless and Krishna beamed brightly.

"Well, then can I taste it?" he asked further, his mouth already salivating seeing the vessel full of some stunning smelling kheer. It honestly smelled so delicious.

"I reckon you have tasted it already," Radha said, gesturing towards the bowl and the spoon in his hand and he groaned bashfully.

"I did, yeah, b-but I meant can I taste it now,  with your permission that is?" he asked, rubbing his hand on his neck rather sheepishly and instead of answering, Radha just put some Kheer in his bowl and handed it to him. He accepted it gratefully and immediately dug into it.

"Slowly, it's hot."


Radha tried to warn him but he already had his mouth full of kheer till then, which probably burnt his tongue. But no one will ever know this, because his reaction was completely opposite to that of pain.

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