Chapter 18

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Four days had passed by and Radha hadn't said a single word to Krishn. She hadn't even breathed the same air as much as him.

And he felt suffocated.


He didn't know when and where it happened; at what second did Radha's smile became the only reason for his existence and in which part of the day did Radha's voice became a necessity for him. He didn't know what was brewing between them.

Krishn knew nothing, just that Radha's ignorance was affecting him in ways he couldn't voice. Similar to the ways he couldn't voice the dynamic of their relationship.

The upcoming engagement was just adding to the anonymity of their relationship. He just knew that he wanted Radha to be happy, to be safe, to be loved.

He wanted nothing from Radha but wanted so much for her.

Wanted her to be treated as tender as a dewdrop, to be spoken to as soft as clouds, to be kept as happy as a giggling river, to be understood as the silence of the sea, to be cared as tenderly as a snowflake, to be preserved as carefully as a treasure and to be loved as affectionately as h-

Krishna sighed closing his eyes and rubbed his hand over his face, dragging it from top to bottom.

Tired was what he was.

He knew he should apologize for the previous incident and just solve everything between them. But he didn't do that. He didn't want to solve things between them because if he did, he'd be unable to go from here and now, he didn't have any reason to stay here, not after Radha's decision yesterday.

He knew he had a lot to fix but he saw no reason to stay.

But just once, he should talk to Radha. Then he'll be satisfied, he'll be content and he'll just leave.


Krishn found Radha at the same place where they had talked last. Where somehow, he had managed to mess things by accidentally voicing his inner, forbidden thoughts.

He released the held breath when he caught the shadow of her silhouette at the corner of the terrace. He walked up to her as quietly as he could trying not to break the tranquillity of the night.

Only a second later, Radha looked up at him through her lashes, her eyes widening momentarily seeing Krishn standing in front of her.

Radha's first thought was to get up and run down inside her room, within the cage of the four walls where she'd be safe. But then a cold breeze passed through the atmosphere, hitting her from behind and then enveloping her in a newfound warmth.

She may have forgotten but the universe didn't.

Safety, Krishn was safety, not her room. He was safe and she was on the edge of falling. She wanted him to save her just like he had always done, wanted to feel cosy in this cold, wanted to reach out and hold his hand, wanted to envelope herself into a bubble of his warmth, of his sweetness.

Wanted the things which were too forbidden to even think about. Hence, she just turned away averting her gaze, closing herself into her walls and chose the cold instead of his warmth.

Krishn's steps faltered behind her.

How would he leave Radha like this?

How would he ever leave?

He knew, he had to leave and he also knew that he had to talk to her.

"The engagement is in two days." He said instead.

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