Chapter 33

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"This isn't happening, Krishn."

Radha huffed, running after Krishn who was walking around his mother, using her as his live shield.

"Aunty!" Radha whined, "tell him to stop."

Mrs Yadav just laughed in reply, enjoying the scene too much to even utter a word and chose to excuse herself instead.

"Ma, where are you going? Tell your Radha to give back my phone, otherwise I'll not return the bracelet to her." Krishn retorted defensively partly to his mother's retreating figure and partly to the girl standing in front of her, and placed the bracelet closer to his chest.

"I would've given you the phone if you wouldn't have hid it from me in the morning when I came in front of you. I'm pretty sure that it's something related to me that you're hiding in this phone."

Radha reasoned.

"Why would you think that? Why would I have anything related to you in my phone?" Krishn lied, remembering how not only his phone but his whole heart had a wallpaper of Radha embedded in it, the same wallpaper which he was going to delete this morning after realising how wrong it was of him to do something like that. But then Radha came and well, here he was.

"If you don't have anything to hide then why don't you show it? Here take the phone, unlock it."

Radha said offering his phone back to him and he sighed in relief.

But as soon as he reached for his phone, Radha withdrew her hand back.

"What? Did you think I'll give you your phone back this easily? I kn-know you'll not show me anything." She said, leaving the accidental brush of Krishn's hand against hers as the reason behind her breathlessness.

Krishn smirked noticing that.

"Why, Radhe? Don't you believe me?" he asked softly putting almost no effort in keeping his act and slowly took a step towards her.

Radha clutched the phone tighter at the sweet voice not wanting to get victimised by Krishn's trick and took a step back.

Krishn's smirk instantly changed into a smile seeing Radha's pink cheeks, enjoying her shyness too much.

He took another step towards her.

"I - I think a-aunty is calling me."

Radha said excusing herself but was stopped by her wrist - getting caught in a secured grip.

"Give me my phone, Radhe," Krishn said in an immensely soft voice, coming and standing behind her, his breath fanning the back of her neck.

She shook her head, the scent of her hair making Krishn swoon internally.

He almost forgot what he even wanted.


"Y-You give me my bracelet," Radha demanded in a low voice, making him shake his head fondly and chuckle against her ear.

"You think you're all that, hmm - smart, beautiful, innocent? That you'll ask for the bracelet in your sweet little voice and I'll give it to you instantly?"

Krishn asked gently smiling to himself.

"Well, if you're thinking that then you're right. You are smart, you are beautiful - the most beautiful, you are innocent, the kindest-" he said going off-topic there for a moment, getting lost in how Radha's breath hitched in her throat at his words. He relished her struggle, struggle of standing there still with her shy gaze directed towards the ground, her head ducked slightly, hiding her pretty face.

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