Chapter 5

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It was twelve in the noon and Radha found herself standing in the kitchen yet again; obeying Mrs Rathore's instructions.

"What's your name, daughter?" the lady worker asked her, standing beside her stirring the soup.

"Radha," she replied, smiling and the lady worker beamed at her.

"Aha! that's a very pretty name, quite suits a pretty girl like you." She exclaimed and Radha shied away but mumbled a small thank you.

"No no, acting shy around me isn't allowed, though you can get all shy in front of your husband when he compliments you." The lady said and Radha's smile faltered a little.


Radha was pretty sure that her soon to be husband, Mr Abhi Rathore won't even look at her properly, complementing her wouldn't even be on the list. Miracles like that did not exist and frankly, she didn't even want them to exist. She wanted to live her life as it was, unadulterated.

Radha glanced at the lady to ask her about today's lunch but saw her down at her with a  motherly affection prominent in her eyes which made her heart warm.

Her same affectionate gaze then travelled from Radha to something behind her.

Radha turned around, trying to follow her gaze just to be met with a very jubilant sight.

Much like the other day Radha once again found herself gazing at safety who was stood across the window, in the lawn, lightly sprinkling the flowers with water and singing an inaudible song with a big smile etched on his face and a few dance moves to carve through his body every passing second.

His one hand held the spray while the other hand rested on his hips which rhythmically swayed from left to right.

A few seconds into the song and he held his head high, and shut his eyes tight and sang a beautiful and loud note which was audible to both the lady spectators.

They saw as his dancing pace increased with the time and those ridiculously amusing expressions were just the cherry on the cake.

A sudden loud laugh barked out from behind Radha and the next second she knew, she was smiling too. She smiled seeing the sight of sunshine, rainbows and love songs, she smiled seeing pure happiness.

The sudden laugh though, instantly hit Krishn's ears making him halt his world winning dance moves and open up his eyes.

He looked up from the flowers and saw two ladies laughing at his ridiculous, miserable and completely horrendous entertainment show. Well, one was laughing while the other one was just smiling.

His face reddened to the limit that it could shame a tomato while his free hand went to the back of his head-scratching it distractingly, his lips forming into a very sheepish smile.

He was too embarrassed to look up but, Radha, well yeah, she was the reason enough and so he did.

A soft smile that reached the eyes was etched on her face and that was motivation enough for Krishna to forget his embarrassment and thank every divinity for making Radha smile.


"So Radha, are you liking this house and this family yet?" Mr Rathore was sitting in the living room while Radha was sitting across from him.

After everyone had lunch, Mr Rathore had called Radha to the living room just to ask about her well being. Radha considered this a really sweet gesture.

"Yes, uncle."

"I really hope my son and my wife aren't burdening you. I know they can be a handful sometimes but they're my only family, I love them." Mr Rathore explained, laughing nervously and Radha wondered if her father would also say something like this, ever.

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