Chapter 21

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It was eight in the evening and
Mala Rathore was busy trying different outfits for tomorrow, the engagement of her son, while her son was nowhere to be seen.

Rakesh Rathore, on the other hand, was pacing around the house with a frown between his brows and a phone attached to his ear continuously talking to the event planner wanting to make this the most beautiful event of Radha's life.

The decision of letting Radha marry Abhi or not wasn't in his hand anymore, the changing of his son's attitude wasn't in his hand but what was, was the planning of the wedding and he was willing to give the best to Radha.

Like he would do for his own daughter.

"Yes, Mr Dubey, be here at six in the morning. I don't care how, but just be. I need this ceremony to be grand. But wait, why will you come at six? Do one thing come at five in the morning. We'll have more time to disc-" Mr Rathore was busy conversing with the wedding planner when a moment came and suddenly his whole world stopped.

His phone slid off his hand just to crash onto the ground whilst his brows raised in shock and replaced the frown which was occupying them previously.

Because there in front of him was a thing he hadn't seen in the last fifteen years, which he never expected to see ever again.

He saw Radha sitting in the living room, with a pendant in her hands. A golden colour, custom made pendant.

His pendant.

He saw her eyes scrunched into displease and an air of nervousness surrounding her, her left leg bobbing instinctively.

He was left baffled seeing the sight, dumbfounded.

It was. . . it was the same thing, the same pendant he had bought for his five-year-old daughter on her birthday but never was able to give it to her. The same pendant, he had asked his wife to give to their daughter, the same five-year-old daughter whom he hadn't seen in past fifteen years, whom he hadn't had a chance to love, and because of whom he had decided to make Radha his daughter-in-law.

That day, that day in college when he bumped into Radha, it wasn't because of a mere 'sorry' that he had decided to make her a part of the family but it was because of the uncanny resemblance of Radha to his daughter whom he had left behind. He knew that he couldn't get his daughter back and so he had decided to at least get a daughter in law who looked like her.

But this was just impossible.

First the resemblance of the face and now the resemblance of an absolutely rare piece of pendant which he got custom made for the shine of his life, for the apple of his eyes?

Was it possible?

Was Radha. . .Vrinda?

His head spun, mulling over the fact with hundreds of doubts and questions spinning inside his mind. His feet fumbled while walking, his legs trembled and so did his hands. His body still wasn't able to recover from the shock that this girl could be his lost daughter.

He sat on the sofa for a few seconds to calm down himself.

After minutes of rest, he shakily got up from the sofa, with the objective clear in mind. Just like his limbs his eyes too weren't cooperating with him properly. A blurriness was taking over them ever passing second on the thought of his little daughter.

What if Radha was his daughter? He couldn't even begin to think how happy he would be. He'd be crying happy tears, the rest of his life.

But what if she wasn't his daughter? Maybe he'd cry more for losing his daughter twice in his life.

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