Chapter 29

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"Ok, thank you so much for informing me. I'll call you as soon as I decide something." Radha hung up on the person on the other side of the phone. A broker to be exact.

It was two days later when the call came.

She had been looking for a place to live since she had stepped into this house. Aunty had exactly suggested this, and now when finally she had a house to move into, she felt devastated.

According to the broker, the said house had been empty since a past few months and had been renewed from time to time. She could shift in there right at the moment if she wanted to.

She didn't though.

She didn't want to shift to an empty house yet again. She didn't have the courage to just go and live without a family, she wasn't strong enough to just go and never see Krishn again. How would she ever be safe if she'd leave her safety right behind her?

Radha shook her head at the terrifying thought, her brain mushed into a pile of sadness and tiredness.

Whatever the case was, she had to go and tell this to someone and seeing that Mrs Yadav wasn't back from the wedding yet, all with the various wedding functions, she'd have to tell everything to Krishn.

She nodded, agreeing to herself and made her way out to the lawn where she had last seen Krishn. However, the closer she got to the lawn, the slower her steps started becoming.

This wasn't a sight she was expecting to see there.

From afar, she could see Krishn laying there on a mat with his head turned to another side, sunrays directly hitting his face and she would've taken a moment to appreciate how beautiful he looked if she hadn't seen Mahi, on the other side of the mat, hovering over Krishn, her hair almost falling into his face.

Now Radha already knew that Krishn and Mahi were best friends, we're very close, had known each other forever and that Mrs Yadav wanted Mahi to marry Krishn but,


The closer Mahi's face got to Krishn's, the more erratic her breathing became, the closer her heart inched closer to breaking.

And she didn't even know why.

It wasn't as if she had any right on Krishn, wasn't as if they both were in a relationship or even a friendship.

But it still hurt.

Hurt when she saw Mahi bending herself closer to him, hurt when a second later, Krishn jolted from the ground as if just waking up and as a result of the jolt, his face coming closer to Mahi.

Radha's face instantly crumpled into distraught at the sight and her nails dug into her palm. Her vision became blurred from the tears pooling at the back of her eyes.

But that wasn't enough for Mahi though.

Because when she looked at Radha and saw her crumbling down into a heap of hurt, she just smirked.

Turning her face back to Krishn, Mahi saw him waking up from his nap, his mind trying to work in coordination with his eyes, his vision barely adjusting to whoever was sitting on top of him, only seeing has a picture of the person in front - top - of him.

Mahi just shook her head, her mouth now supporting a devilish grin and closed the distance between the two of them or so she thought because, at the end moment when Krishn eyes widened at what they had registered, he instantly turned his face towards his left, where his gaze fell on Radha's? - retreating figure, letting Mahi's lips smack against his cheek rather than his lips.

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