Chapter 6

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Now Abhi's list of enjoyment​ included many things but lunching at a high-class restaurant with his so-called friend and that girl, was not one of them.

He gazed all around and found himself standing in front of a five-star French restaurant, 'LES AMIS'.

Will they have their menus in french too? He thought to himself after seeing french words gracing the restaurant front,  scoffed and turned around to look for his friend.

Once he did find him, he gestured for Krishn to come fast but Krishn didn't pick up his pace. Abhi then craned his neck and looked behind Krishn just to see Radha following him more like, walking beside him, quietly.

At this point, Abhi was sure that the girl was mute.

Why would Krishn even bother walking with her? She probably didn't even know about this high-class restaurant, her being a typical middle class woman.

Abhi entered the restaurant by himself.

After a few seconds, Radha and Krishn followed the suit. A lady by the door took them to their reserved seat. Radha stood on one side of the table while Krishn decided to sit across her, with Abhi nowhere to be found.

Maybe he went to the washroom, Krishn thought and took his seat.

However, when it was Radha's turn to sit, someone pulled the chair from beneath her thinking it would be extremely funny to prank her and watch her fall in amidst a fully packed restaurant with no less than a hundred people. Radha's quick reflexes, however, didn't ditch her and she immediately held the table, eyes widening in panic.


A threatening voice barreled from across the table and Radha, with her glassy eyes, saw Krishn glaring at the person behind her.

She too followed the gaze and saw that the chivalrous man who had pulled out her chair just to embarrass her was none other than her soon to be husband. Abhi, the man she was supposed to spend her whole life, the man who was snickering, a smirk pasted across his face and hatred in his eyes.

This hit her like a huge, disgusting blow.

She felt like crying not because of her humiliation amidst hundreds of nameless faces, but because of seeing her dark future standing right in front of her.

"Oops!" Abhi exclaimed smirking and sat across her, while the people sitting around them chuckled under their breaths.

"What the hell was that, Abhi?" Krishn asked angrily, not caring if someone heard him. If Abhi can't care about the people, why would he? And how dare he embarrass Radha like this?

Radha, who deserved nothing less than a bed of roses, a nature full of clouds and embraces containing infinite affection. Not humiliation and stupid pranks.

He stood up from his seat and immediately went to Radha's side and pulled back the chair for her. Radha looked up at him, looking so small and vulnerable, he wanted to hold her hand and tell her that it was ok. All of these people are sick, the ones laughing at her and the ones sitting across her.

He couldn't do that, though.

He just wished that Radha understood what he was trying to convey, from his eyes alone.

She did, maybe, when she looked up at him and saw that there was no hint of humour on his face. Krishn didn't think of her embarrassment as funny. His face had a big apology written on it even though it wasn't his fault.

Radha's morale wobbled, though, when she saw her future sitting in front of her laughing loudly at her. She wanted to run away from here, feeling all so suffocated.

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