Chapter 2

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A flight of stairs awaited her at the end of the hallway. She hesitantly took those and reached a door which was bolted from inside. Hoping that it wasn't something private, she unlocked the door with a little struggle and finally opened them just to reveal heaven

Well in her case at least.

An immediate frosty breeze welcomed her and for the first time today, she smiled.

She could finally see her friends.

She gazed up at the sky full of the stars and the moon and the magic, and every divinity she could think of.  The vast black canvas adorned with the splashes of white twinkles gave her nothing but serenity.

She looked around the terrace and settled down at its corner with her head resting against the wall. She yet again elevated her head and craned her neck to look up at her friends who were beaming and smiling down at her. Their happiness was contagious.

Radha smiled with them.

But not too later, a tear shone at the corner of her eyes.

"I miss you," she whispered to one star in particular and continued gazing at the night sky.  "I'm so alone and this world is so big, I'm afraid that I'll get lost in it and if lost, no one will look for me. Please prove me wrong. Please." She prayed with quivering lips and earnest eyes. She was sure God would listen to her.

Always so sure.

Eventually, a yawn escaped her mouth and her eyes started to droop. She wanted to sleep right then and there under the wide, black blanket but she knew better than to sleep on someone's terrace. Someone so new.

Consequently, she got up and gave a small teary smile to her friends - who were considerate enough to beam back at her, increasing their twinkling, - and retreated from her own, little heaven.

Thankfully no one questioned her presence in the span of those two hours and she quietly made her way into the security of her room.


"Ms Radha, please come downstairs, everyone is expecting you." A calculated and almost robotic voice came from outside of the room and Radha opened the door, immediately.

She checked the time, it was barely seven in the morning.

"But it is only seven," she said voicing her thoughts, gesturing to her watch, "I was supposed to come down at eight."

"Yes, miss. The breakfast starts at eight only but Mr Abhi has arrived. Sir and mam wanted you to meet him." Suresh explained and Radha made an 'o' face, finally understanding the whole situation.

"Ok. I'll just come. Give me two minutes." She said and fled back into her room. Thankfully she was ready beforehand. What left was the sheer white scarf, hanging in her closet which she immediately grabbed and wrapped it around her shoulders.

Once she was done she promptly made her way to the first floor where two new faces awaited her. Her steps slowed automatically.

Her eyes first landed on the boy with straight and short dark brown hair complimenting his dark brown eyes, which gazed at her piercingly. A slightly fair skin tone coloured his body and an air of intimidation surrounded him.

She gulped inaudibly and shifted her gaze at the other person, who was standing slightly behind the first one. His hand was continuously running through his hair trying to tame a spring curl that was aiming to fall into his eyes. He had black, wavy hair, from what Radha could see. His eyes weren't visible, seeing they were continuously concentrated on something on the ground.

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