Chapter 31

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"Do you want to share anything with me?" Krishn's mother asked with a mischievous smile on her face seeing which made Krishn stand a bit straighter.

"What can I share with you, Ma?" he asked nonchalantly in return, his all concentration in his phone.

"I don't know, secrets about your love life, someone you like, something to do with R-"

"Radha? What about her? Nothing is going on between me and Radha." He hurriedly replied not even waiting for his mother to complete the sentence, however, when he saw his mother smirking - he realized what he had just said.

He facepalmed.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Seems like there's seriously nothing going on between you two," his mother exclaimed, smiling smugly and he groaned.

"Ma. . ."

"Krishn. . ."

"Please don't tell Radha anything about it." A flustered Krishn pleaded to his mother who chuckled in return.

"Do not worry, son. I'll not tell her anything, I just wanted to ensure that my old and aged eyes weren't fooling me," his mother said playfully and he pouted, with a confused frown between his eyebrows.

"How does she even know about all this?" he mumbled into his mouth, questioning himself and Mrs Yadav laughed at her son's antics and ruffled his hair.

"Did you think that I'll not know about this? I'm your mother, Krishn. I know what thing you had left behind, I know what had caused the disappearance of your smile and I very well know who gave you your smile back." She said gently holding her son's shoulder and Krishn rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

"Do you think I'd forget that excited voice of yours when you used to call me from Abhi's house telling me how kind Abhi's soon to be wife is?" Mrs Yadav continued and laughed suddenly, "And that day, the day when I had a video called you and she - Radha had sat beside you - your face son, I can't forget that face ever. You were so shy, your cheeks were so red!" she exclaimed laughing and Krishn turned red again hearing that memory and put his face in his hands, groaning bashfully.

"Ma. . ." he whined, turning around but his mother only laughed.

However once the funniness faded away from the atmosphere and the smiles simmered, she turned her son from his shoulder to herself and reluctantly removed his hands from his face.

She caressed his cheek affectionately and smiled.

"She's an extremely bright and beautiful girl, Krishn. She knows how to make a family work, she knows the importance of a family. She is not only pretty from the face but from the heart too. You won't be able to find a girl like her in the whole wide world. She's perfect for you."

Mrs Yadav saw as her son tried to cover up the smile on his face. She rolled her eyes playfully seeing this utterly unseen, shy side of her son and playfully pinched at his ear. "And so my dear son, do me a favour and tell her what you feel already. It's been a whole month since she came here, Krishn. How much more time do you need to waste? Do you need another Abhi to come in here life and take her away, do you?"

Krishn shook his head frantically, frowning at the statement, not liking it at all.

Because no, he didn't want another Abhi to enter his life or Radha's life anymore. Another Abhi meant another person undeserving of Radha, another person ignorant of Radha's inner beauty and strength.

He wouldn't want someone to come and just love her physically, he wouldn't want anyone to love her in any way.

He wouldn't.

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