Chapter 32

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It was the next day and the clock was striking seven in the morning.

Krishn was sitting on the bed, running a hand through his hair when suddenly a thought struck his mind.

The thought, naturally, was related to Radha.

Yesterday was a nightmare, both for him and Radha.

More for Radha.

Her parents, those people weren't capable of being called as parents. Maybe they had cared for a five-year-old Radha back then by adopting her and keeping her but for what? For this day? For selling her to a rich family just to get a few gifts and rupees in return?

Krishn pitied them and why shouldn't he, they had lost a perfect chance for loving a girl like Radha, for having a daughter like Radha.

But, regardless of what situation prevailed, yesterday was a lesson to him. The journey of an assumption becoming a truth, the journey of thought becoming a reality.

Because, yesterday only, he and his mother were discussing the possibility of another Abhi coming in the way and taking Radha away.

And look what happened.

Krishn sighed deeply, running a hand through his curly fringe hanging low on his forehead and let his mind wander to other topics, the first one being of Radha.

He smiled to himself thinking about her with a little sadness lingering at the back of his mind.

He remembered picking her up from the couch yesterday and her snuggling up into his chest, sleeping like a baby who had tired himself from long hours of crying (which wasn't necessarily untrue).

He remembered how small and vulnerable she looked when he had gently placed her on her bed and had softly pressed his lips to her temple.

He remembered how quickly the distraught on her face had been replaced by calmness with the tiniest of a smile etching on her lips.

He remembered the words he had whispered into the tranquillity of her room, giving her hope and showering her in affection.

After all, how could he forget anything related to the shine of his life?

Krishn quickly got out of his bed at the thought and rushed downstairs with a simultaneous conflict in his mind.

While one part of him wanted to see Radha resting in her bed, sleeping comfortably, sweeping away her fears and wounds, the other and a little more selfish part of him was just dying to find Radha awake, wandering around the house, humming melodies between her lips and caressing a coffee mug between her hands.

He didn't know if it was because of them or not, but he found himself thanking his lucky stars when he found Radha trudging in the kitchen with her back to his face whilst humming a song in her mouth.

He watched as she abruptly stopped in front of the counter and stood up on her tip toes a moment later, struggling to get to the box of sugar placed on the top shelf.

Krishn decided to be kind and help her get the box down because why not. He of course did.not know about the spare box of sugar resting on the lower shelf.

It wasn't as if it was his own house or anything, after all.

So, being the chivalrous gentleman that he was, he tiptoed into the kitchen and stood upright behind the struggling girl. He snickered into his mouth, silently observing her tedious efforts to reach the box, disturbing the rhythm of the song with her every futile jump.

He though didn't pay much attention to her, knowing if he would start observing her then the process will never end. He won't stop observing the different hues of her brown eyes, the strands of the hair falling into her eyes, the brushing of her eyelashes on her cheekbones every time she blinked. He just won't stop.

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