Chapter 10

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"Just stay here, I'll come back in a minute or two." Abhi requested Radha in an utterly polite tone which confused her till no end. She obliged nonetheless, not wanting to get lost in a place which she barely knew about.

She watched Abhi's retreating figure as he made his way into the crowd of drunk and dancing people swarming this place, pressing through their sweaty bodies, just on to the opposite side of the room. Not even his silhouette visible now.

Radha scrunched her nose in distaste when the stale and stinky air of the room made its way to her lungs.

She just wanted to leave this place.

A club,

That's where Abhi had brought Radha for their date.

It all started this morning.

Radha was peacefully helping in the kitchen when Suresh came and requested her attention for a minute.

Radha immediately complied and went to him. He reminded Radha about her date with Abhi today. It didn't take more than a millisecond for Radha to completely deflate. All the glow stopped shimmering on her face and the waves stopped crashing in her eyes.

After yesterday; the shopping, Radha had honestly forgotten about this meeting. What she remembered, consisted of Krishn and Krishn only. But of course, then this had to take place. It amazed Radha, how singlehandedly this reminder vacuumed all the glee from inside her leaving her listless.

She sighed and nodded nonetheless.

She wore a simple, plain dress with a slightly tinted lip balm. She honestly didn't want to go to anywhere with Abhi, much less get ready for him. No, never.

But she didn't have any option. Now did she?

When she descended through the stairs into the hall, she found no one but Krishn standing there, gazing at her with mixed emotions in his eyes.

His usual bright demeanour too was dull and dim today.

Radha couldn't help but deflate even more seeing him like this. No smile on his face, no glint in his eyes. No rainbows today neither the twinkling stars.

They both held their gazes for a whole of ten seconds. And within those ten seconds, Radha had successfully pinpointed the multifarious emotions floating in his eyes.





She told herself not to ponder too much on the last emotion. She strutted from front of Krishn and then passed him, just like that.

Krishn swallowed thickly, his heart fearing for Radha's safety and well being. He watched as Radha passed him, leaving behind her flowery scent, her lips turned down into a frown.

He wanted to stop her and tell her to take care. His hand twitched with the urge to hold her hand while his throat itched for his voice to tell her to be careful.

He couldn't do either.

He simply watched her sitting in the car, not even a sigh escaping her lips.

Maybe she was happy.

Maybe she believed what Krishn had told her about Abhi, maybe she believed that Abhi wasn't like that always.

Maybe she liked to spend time with her future husband.

But then why his heart clenched thinking about these assumptions?

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