Chapter 9

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"What happened, Aunty? Are you ok?" was the first thing Radha asked when she saw the lady working in the kitchen.

It was twelve in the noon and the house was too empty. Empty enough to hear the quiet tapping of water droplets from the unclosed tap, the ticking of the wall clock, the whoosh of air conditioners and the voice of the silence.

Radha was wandering aimlessly,
to she didn't know where. But when she saw the lady worker cutting up some vegetables with an evident frown on her face, she couldn't help but ask her what was wrong.

The lady who always had a plethora of happiness written on her face, was today scripted with gloominess and Radha wasn't having it.

The lady worker looked up, still frowning, but once she spotted Radha, she unknitted her eyebrows and smiled lightly. "Nothing daughter, nothing that you have to worry about." She said but Radha shook her head and went to her and stood beside her.

"No, aunty, please tell me. I'd love to help you with anything." She said softly and the lady worker sighed after hearing such an endearing persuasion.

"You see, today all the workers including the driver are on a leave. And coincidentally, today, Mr Rathore got a call from his office that a few clients would be coming here to meet him. Therefore sir and ma'am have gone to escort those guests and I am making the lunch but there are a few things which I don't have. I can't go to the supermarket either." She said and shook her head in distress. Radha, though, was quick to answer.

"That's ok. I'll just go and bring the ingredients from the market." She suggested and just on cue, Krishn descended from the stairs and strolled into the hall with his hands on his pocket humming casually. But then he immediately spotted two distresses ladies and stopped humming.

He pouted.

"What happened, ladies? Why so sad? Any problem?" he asked in a genteel tone, the tension in the air diminishing visibly. 

The lady smiled at the question while Radha avoided looking at him as his gaze was already directed towards her.

The lady sighed from beside her, gaining her attention. "Aunty, you didn't answer me. Can I bring the ingredients from the market?" she asked again and the lady looked at her affectionately.

"No, daughter, I told you that the driver is on the leave too." She said and Radha tried to think of anything else.

Only if she could drive a car. Her parents never let her learn how to drive a car fearing the extra bills it would cost.

Getting a taxi too would at least take half an hour. She sighed not able to think of anything else.

"What are we talking about? Where do you want to go?" Krishn's voice once again cut the silence and this time the lady told him the problem while Radha fiddled with her fingers anxiously. Unlike any other person, Krishn just chuckled listening to all of this.

"Well, you don't need to worry.
Your saviour is here, knight in the shining armour as they say. " Krishn wiggled his brows and made a show of bowing, making the lady laugh.

Only after a second later, he heard the trees swinging, the breeze singing and the flowers blooming. He saw the stars wandering and the waves crashing and the snow falling. He felt all the beauty of the world in just a second. Though when he looked up, he found it was just Radha giggling.


"Yes, weird. You are too weird, son." The lady said while Krishn didn't realise that he had said that out loud.

Coming back to the topic, he answered.

"I have my car. I can drive you guys there. Problem solved!" he exclaimed elated, resting his elbows on the counter and the lady clapped her hand, delighted.

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