Chapter 13

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"That is my best friend," Radha whispered still gesturing to the said star.

"My mother." She whispered and Krishn took in her appearance. How the wetness in her eyes had now bubbled up into a tear, how her smiling lips were now left trembling, how her fond voice broke at the remembrance of her mother.

His mind immediately presented a list of questions in front of him regarding her parents, her childhood, her story but he knew better than to ask her about something which makes her smile and tear up simultaneously.

"Your mother must be beautiful." He reckoned loud instead and Radha's gaze instantly landed at him, a teary chuckle leaving her mouth.

"Yes," she nodded softly. "She was beautiful, so beautiful. I don't remember her much but I  know that she just was." Radha said dreamily and shook her head smiling, Krishn had a sudden urge to tuck back the said strand of hair that had escaped the lock of her braid during that motion and tell her how beautiful she was herself.

But he didn't even let his finger twitch this time neither let his tongue go against his will because he knew that was wrong but what was happening wasn't right either.

But still, for a moment he worried, worried if someone will ever compliment Radha like she deserves to be if someone will ever appreciate her flushed cheeks over a full-blown smile. He worried if someone will ever read her eyes instead of her lips if someone will appreciate her silence over her words. He worried if someone will ever realise what treasures and diamonds and gold is Radha made up of. He worried if someone will ever love her to that extent where all that is left in her would be happiness and happiness only.

He worried if Abhi will do any of that.

"Krishn," a soft, honeyed voice, easily surpassing the sweetness of caramel and chocolate, called his name and oh, his name never felt this pleasing ever. Maybe it was the fact that it was the first time Radha had said his name or maybe it was just Radha saying his name for the first time.

He didn't know anything about that.

"Sorry, was just thinking," He said smoothly (yeah right) and gave her a small smile.

"Oh," Radha mumbled to herself distraughtly.

She looked at her feet and bit her lip nervously and thought to herself.

She was invading his privacy. He was just being nice to her and she, she was being her usual pathetic self. She should just get up and go down to her room and get on the bed and hug her pillow and cry to sleep because that's where she belonged. Not here. Not here, talking to someone who radiated safety and care and trust. She didn't deserve all of this. None of this.

Agreeing to herself, she got up and held the wall for support.

Krishn sensed the movement beside him and instantly turned his neck just to glance at, now, an empty spot. He stood up immediately when he saw Radha heading to the door.

He hadn't even said her the thing for which he had been waiting for her, here, on this terrace.

"Radha, wait!" he whisper shouted not wanting to wake up anyone else. Thankfully, Radha stopped in her tracks.

She glanced back at him with her big, innocent doe eyes and for a moment he was awestruck.

The moonlight directly reflecting on her face, softening the edges of her features, highlighting the tip of her nose and enhancing the apples of her cheek was anything but to go by.

What was happening to him today?

"I... uh - stay for a minute more, please. I've to tell you something," Krishn said hesitantly and Radha's breath grew a little ragged.

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