Chapter 7

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"So, did you guys enjoy yesterday?" Mr Rathore asked with a tone that could be categorised as authoritative and gentle at once, averting everyone's attention to himself.

"Abhi, you wanted to enjoy and have some fun, did you like it there?" Mr Rathore then directed his question solely towards Abhi who smiled smugly in return.

"Of course, Dad, I enjoyed it a lot." He said remembering the moments he had pranked and embarrassed Radha but when his gaze fell on Radha, his smile swept away from his lips. Rather than embarrassment and hurt, Radha had a smile etched on her face, a smile which itched him so much.

Didn't she remember the humiliation?

Mr Rathore though, satisfied with his son's answer directed his question towards the other two youngsters. "So Radha, Krishn, what about you guys? Did you enjoy yourselves?"

Krishn looked up at Radha and caught her gaze.

"No!" They answered at the same time and smiled. Well, Krishn smiled and Radha just bit her lip to keep herself from smiling.

However, Mr Rathore got confused by their reaction. They both seemed pretty happy but their answers were still no?

"No?" he wondered out loud and they both shook their heads.

"Uncle," Krishn started and directed his gaze towards him. "I'm telling you, Indian food is the best. The restaurant, no doubt was very beautiful and exquisite, but the food, uncle, the food. . ." He trailed off dramatically, with his hand on his shaking head to which everyone laughed, everyone except Abhi.

"Food?" Abhi asked with a frown on his face. He clearly didn't remember having food yesterday.

Did that mean, Radha and Krishn had food without him? He immediately snapped up his head at Krishn who was now smirking at him.

"What happened, buddy? Is that your favourite cuisine? French? I hope I didn't offend you?" Krishn said feigning innocence.

Abhi should most definitely get the taste of his own medicine, Krishn thought and maintained his innocent demeanour.

Everyone's but Mrs Rathore's face displayed distress on Abhi's question.

"What happened, son. Why are you so silent?" she asked apprehensively and Abhi averted his gaze to her.

"Nothing, mom. I agree with them. The food was extremely awful." He lied smoothly with his gaze on Radha and beamed largely.

An idea had just made its way to his brain and even Krishn wouldn't be able to do anything in that. He continued eyeing Radha haughtily when after a minute he finally spoke.

"Mom, dad, I was wondering if I could go out again with Radha," he voiced smugly "alone."

He watched as Radha's eyes immediately shot up to meet his gaze. The smile instantly left her face and a familiar feeling journeyed back into her eyes.

Abhi's chest swelled with satisfaction and the cockiness returned to his face seeing Radha afraid. After all, this was what she deserved, to always remain under his feet.

However, unknown to him, he had perceived wrong. The feeling in Radha's eyes wasn't of fear. Radha was not afraid. She wasn't afraid of being humiliated again, she wasn't afraid of going with him alone. She was tired. She was tired of thinking about the past she went through and pitied herself thinking about the future she will live through.

She'd be living with a man who would make her feel small, she'd be living with a man who would never love and respect her, she'll be living with a man who would never keep her safe. And no, this time, she wasn't judging him too quickly. She now knew what Abhi was like. She knew that he'll be like this forever.

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