Chapter 11

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Rakesh Rathore was worried.

It had been an hour since Krishn had left this house in a state of fury and panic but not before cursing at his son on the phone. But that was not the thing he was concerned about. He was sure that Krishn would never cuss at someone without any reason, also he was sure that his son wasn't one to be relied upon fully.

Hence, he was worried about none of them at the moment.

He was just worried about Radha. It was almost like Radha was his own daughter. He didn't want that girl to get into any problem that too because of his reckless son. He paced through the length of the living room, with his hands behind his back, furrowed eyebrows and creases lining up his forehead. His anticipation and patience, finally paid off when the front door of the mansion, burst open.

In front of him stood Radha and Krishn, the same people he was waiting for. He rushed from the living room to in front of them, his gaze beginning on Krishn's tense face, lingering on Radha's crestfallen expressions, drifting to the somberness in the air and finally halting on their interlaced fingers.

He frowned.

Not because of their hand holding but the feeling of guilt inside him seeing Radha's lifeless face.

A full minute passed, the tension only seemed to get thicker by the time.

He cleared his throat, schooling his expressions. "Daughter, are you ok?" he asked dumbly as if the sight in front of him wasn't evidenced enough.

Radha nodded anyway, not wanting to spill out the truth through her words.

Krishn, however, begged to differ.

"No uncle, Radha is not ok. Can't you just see it on her face?" Krishn asked incredulously, his voice reaching up to a higher pitch but drawling back to a hushed tone when he, himself begin to examine Radha's face.

Can't they see how her glowing face which tends to shame the sun is so dull and lifeless today?

Can't they see, her ever twinkling eyes which surpass the lustre of the stars are pooled with tears and fear today?

Can't they see how her lips, which used to manifest an ever lingering smile are turned down in melancholy today?

Can't they see?

"Can't you see?" he wondered out loud voicing his observation with the clear undertone of anger in his words and Mr Rathore swallowed thickly, nodding.

"I. . . I just wanted to ask about her well being. It's g-good that you are with her," he stuttered and then continued.

"Will you - you mind me telling where is Abhi?" he asked hesitantly, taking a chance. He was a father after all.

Krishn sensed Radha tensing instantly under his hold after listening to Abhi's name. He had the greatest urge to roll his eyes at the stupid question but then he saw Mr Rathore's face and realized he was just asking about his child like any other parent.

Given that the other people's sons do not abandon their fiancée like this.

"Sorry uncle, but I just went to pick Radha up. I don't know where he is." Krishn answered blankly and turned towards Radha with immediate softness on his face.

"Shall we go to your room?" he asked gently, his hand still clutching Radha's. A thin layer of sweat now covered both their hands because of too long of a contact but none of them minded that.

Radha looked up at Mr Rathore for permission and he immediately nodded not wanting to trouble the girl anymore.

She just glanced up at Krishn thereafter as an answer and Krishn gave her a small smile and made his way towards her room.

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