Chapter 12

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     As he lay dying on the floor, Aiden calls 911. He could hear the sirens in the distance.
     This isn't how I wrote it. He thought weakly. That's not how the story is supposed to go.
     The man has completely changed how Aiden's story is supposed to go.
     In the "new" version, Bridgett, Vian, Callie, and Marie we're killed as they made their way to the prison to save our captured characters.
     Then the Dictator, (that's what we'll call him) tortured Mara, and made Alan watch.
     Then the Dictator killed Mara. And he made Alan watch every second of it.
     He then blinded Alan by tearing his beautiful eyes out, then killed him. No one knows what happened to Marina and Pearl.
     I swear guys, I'm not gonna die! Alan swore in his head as the paramedics loaded him on the ambulance and rushed him to the hospital. I swear I'm gonna survive and I'm gonna fix thi... Aiden blacked out after this.


*An hour earlier*
     Dammit! Mara thought furiously. I should've been able to do something!
     "Fuck you, you OctoThots!"she screamed at the Octolings a they shut the door.
     "Okay 3,"Marina said."I think you need to just take a breath and calm down."
     "Both Pearl and Marina were kind of in shock cause-" Aiden stops to eat a handful of popcorn.
     "Are you literally eating popcorn like your watching a movie?"Mara growled.
     "No. I'm just hungry."
     "Maybe you should get off your ass and help us!"Pearl exclaimed.
     "Sorry girls, but I can't interact with the environment."to prove his point, Aiden reached and tried to grab the keychain that helps the keys to their cell doors (it hung on a small hook on the wall) and his hand fazed through it.
     "I really can't do much to help bu-"Aiden stopped mid-entence.
     He suddenly chipped his hands around his mouth a yelled,"THOT ALERT!" Before disappearing.
     A small object dropped on Mara's bed. She picked it up, and it was ring.
     "This was Grace's ring," Aiden said from nowhere."Alan's mom, he bought it for her birthday. He threw it away after her death, but I saved it. Wear it, and you'll be able to have a small connection with Alan."
     Mara put it on and suddenly realy drowsy.
     The drowsiness means he's still knocked out,"Aiden said."And when you are close to him, you will be able to speak to telepathically when he's very close to you.
     Then Aiden went silent.
     They lead octoling from earlier came in.
     "What do you want?" Mara spat. She wanted to escape and kill that bitch right there, but she couldn't because she was stuck in a cell.
     "I came to let you know that Alan is going to feel allot of pain," The octoling sneered. "And that Alan is cute. I was half tempted to protest against it."
     "If you touch him I swear I will kill you!" Mara snarled.
     The octoling drew a splatter-shot and shot mara. Not enough to splat her, but enough to hurt her very badly.
     "Next time you say something smart, it will be worse bitch." The octoling girl said.
     Mara glared but said nothing. She did her best to shake the ink off, but it stuck to her and burned.
     The octoling left without another word, slamming the door behind her.

     Aiden slowly came to. He saw he was in a hospital bed. The paramedics were able to save him.
     Then he remembered his story and what happened in the Dictator's sick version of the story. He say up and looked around. His phone was sitting on the bedside table. He snatched it and immediately activated the app that enables him to interact with his story.
     He closed his eyes and felt himself being pulled into the world of his story.

A/N: I'm so sorry I took so long to publish this. I wasn't able to get my hands on a device to get on Wattpad. I was able to today, and immediately got on and types up this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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