Surprise party 2: Friends

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I started to walk home with her following behind me. We enter the door and walked up to my room. Soon as we entered 'Ship' changed into  Alyssa but had red eyes, darker hair than Alyssa and  her outfit was mostly Red. She jumped on my bed and smiled "Get me something to eat..." She said. I rolled my eyes. "First No and second this is my room!"  "Well first  Do it or else and second Your room is f/c blah It needs more red." I sighed "Fine." I walked out and grabbed an apple and walked back into the room to see Alyssa reading a book. I pushed her. "Hey!"  She was on the floor. I fell asleep with her groaning. 

*next day*

I woke up to see the top part of my bed leaning down on me. I shrieked and stood up to see Alyssa sleeping on it. "HEY! Get off of it!" I shouted waking her up. "Uggghh! What do you want..." "Well get off that!" "Nah.." "Fine... I have to go to school anyways don't mess up my room." "Why don't I come with you..." "First off you are a fake version of my friend and second you are a faker bye!" I ran off.

Fake Alyssa POV

I cant leave here huh well lets eliminate the competition.


I ran to school just making it before my energy ran out. I noticed Alyssa walking towards me " weren't you at the party?" She asked. Shoot I forgot about that... "Oh sorry I was busy." "Well you could have told me before..." She started to walk off. I sighed and saw The fake version Alyssa enter the school. I shrieked and ran to her.  "What are you doing here?" "Its non of your business." She said and ran off. I growled and started to run after her but then the bell rang. I ran to class.


It was after school then I ran outside to see her on the roof. She was in her Glitter Ship form. I blinked and she disappeared. I ran behind the school. "Glitter force makeover!" I transformed" Always believe! Dreams come true! Im Glitter Dream!" Then I  flew up onto the roof to look for her.

Fake Alyssa POV

I jumped off the roof and ran to find Alyssa. I stopped to see a girl that looks like me...Im guessing that's her. She was walking a lone. "Let me guess your Alyssa, the one I heard of from Y/n." She turned round to see me. "You! YOU ARE ME OR AM I YOU!?"She looked at me weirdly. I laughed. "Well There will only be one of us now." I stood there. "Glitter force....Sparkle LOVE!" I created a giant ball that was dark red. I shot it at her. She shrieked and hit the wall.

Alyssa POV

That hurt.....So much. I stood up "Glitter force MAKE OVER!" I transformed "Lets have fun! Shipping for life! IM Glitter Ship!" I stood in a fighting stance. The girl started to laugh and float. "You..CAN FLY!" "Yup! And Y/n Will be my Best friend! Not yours!" She said and attacked me.  I groaned  soon I saw The gang there except Y/n. Im guessing she is doing something. The gang transformed "Where is Dream and why is the world normal for once?" "I don't know an right now I don't care" I said. I know Im being a bit mean but right now its not important. We started to attack. The girl laughed. "Glitter force! Sparkle Storm!" Emily used her sparkle storm. "Haha you missed!" She said and soon we saw Crimson there. "Nice to see you all. Where is the white one?" "WHY ARE PEOPLE RIGHT NOW CARE ABOUT WHERE DREAM IS!?" I shouted. "Huh...It  doesn't seem like you are worried?" I ran off and started to cry.

A bit later

I was at the beach watching the water. I knew the girls could handle it. I soon the water reached to my feet."I messed up with Y/n... It wasn't her fault that she ran into a fake version of me." "No its my fault... It was my giftfor you and I lost it and Crimson created it into a Buffoon and I didn't destroy it..." I turned to see Dream/y/n was there. "Y/N!" I screamed and hugged her. "IM SO SO SO SO SORRY!" "Its fine..." Soon we saw the gang practical flew over to us. "We couldn't stop...them..."

We saw Faker version of me and Crimson flying over. "There you are~!" She giggled and hugged Y/n. Y/n stood still. I looked at her. She pushed The other version of me. "Hey!" "You cant black mail me...again!" She said.

She growled and said "If you aren't going to be my friend then... I WILL DESTORY THEM!" She shouted "Glitter force! Sparkle LOVE!" She shouted and held it in her hand and started to shoot it at me. "This is so easy! Why didn't I think of this before!" Crimson said laughing.  Soon i tripped and she said "Time for my special one just for you~!" "SPARKLE BREAKER!" A giant black ball she created and threw it. It  was flying fast. I closed my eyes






But it never happened. "NO! WHY DID YOU---" I looked up to see Y/n barely standing. "Because she is my friend and I would do anything for my friends..." "GLITTER FORCE! SPARKLE NIGHTMARE!" Sky shouted

There was another Sky there who was pale and smirked and attacked Fake version of me. "DREAM! NO DONT HURT ME!." Soon That Y/n grabbed her and clicked her fingers making them both being destroyed. Y/n was there. I noticed a bruise starting to form on her leg. She panted and fell to her knees. "You win Glitter force...for now..." Crimson disappeared. I ran over to Dream "Dream are you ok?!" She nodded "The Faker's powers well the one she was going to use on you was strong. I most likely will take a while to recover but Im fine." She smiled and stood up  and limped. "See ya!" She flew and went back somewhere. I smiled.

No one POV

Little did they know that Rascal was watching them from a distance. "Hmmm seems like Dream will do anything to save her friends well that might come in handy in the future...


Im editing the story's old chapters and also a Q/A you can ask me or the gang any questions also Im picking online sometimes so yeah random chapters

Dream big and Bright!--- Glitter force (reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now