Chapter 6

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We were making our way up to the village. I couldn't take my horse around now, otherwise they would think I was avoiding the gates.

"Akeno. I know we had a deal, but if they see my tattoos we're not getting into the village." I told her.

"I do not remember this on our way out." Akeno said as her arms tightened around my midsection.

"They must have put it up last night to make sure I don't come back." I answered.

Her hand slithered up my shirt and I yelped just as one of the guards pulled the blanket off my shoulders.

I almost gasped at my arms. The tattoos were gone.

"Please put your hood down and remove the mask." The guard said.

I pulled them down, scared that they would see my eye and panic, but they just looked at me like another person. "Sorry for the inconvenience ma'am." The guard bowed before turning his attention to the cart behind us.

"How are you doing that?" I asked in a whisper.

"As long as I make skin contact with you, I can alter your appearance." Akeno told me. "Try to act like a couple while we're at it."

"A couple? I'm not in a relationship with you!" I hissed.

"I know you aren't. But the farther apart you are from the thief, the less people will think I am the fox that the thief stole." She growled.

"Stop that thief!" Someone yelled. I nearly slapped the reins on Star, but Akeno's free hand grabbed my wrist and stopped me. She was looking towards the market place only to find a hooded figure in a black cloak slide under a cart that was crossing the street.

Three guards ran around it, trying to catch the figure.

"Should we do something?" I asked as I watch the thief leap over a horse without effort.

"Look at what they're carrying." Akeno said.

I glanced at the figure's hand just as they spun around to avoid crashing into an older woman, whom the guards just knocked over getting Akeno to growl.

The figure was holding a piece of bread.

I pulled the reins of my horse and Star stepped back, allowing the thief to run past and leap onto then off of a bench before climbing onto a roof and escaping.

"How dare you!" One of the guards shouted at me. "You're under arrest for assisting a thief in escape!"

"Assisting!?" Akeno and I barked.

"You moved so the thief could run past!" Another guard yelled.

"I moved as to not end up like that woman!" I roared as I pointed to the old woman who was being helped up by other people who were watching the guards carefully. "That thief stole its food for a weak, you caused the damages."

"How dare you accuse the Army of causing this damage!" said the last guard.

"You aided a criminal, and that makes you one." The guard grabbed my foot to pull me off, but I kicked him off before slapping Star's reins causing him to sprint away.

"I am no criminal! You are!" I roared back.

I heard a few cheers, but no one pursued me, so I assumed the guard was distracted by the small riot that was about to break out.

"The guards are cruel." Akeno whispered.

"They are being paid by the King to maintain peace by any means necessary. The taxes are higher, the people are poorer, and more people are led to steal to get food for a day." I explained. "A new heir needs to be chosen, but for that, the current King must die."

"You intend to kill him?" Akeno asked.

"I don't intend to do anything. I'll let politics sort themselves out." I answered.

"Those people need help!" Akeno said. "You cannot just abandon them!"

"What can I do? I'm a thief not an assassin!"

"Can you not bring him to justice without murder?" she asked.

"None of the other regions want to get involved with another war. If they cause too much of a problem then the Realm Leaders will get involved." I told her.

"So the vampires?" Akeno asked.

"The vampire council is under a lot of stress right now okay? Rose's son Agora is causing a lot of problems. I hear he's harvesting people and turning them into mindless fledglings for his army."

"What a monster." Akeno sighed.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes. "But we're in Stargazer territory anyway. They don't give two shits- they don't give a shit about what happens to the humans. They stay in their pretty blue castle and avoid us."

"Elysium will punish them in time." Akeno told me.

"I hope your right. I hope I get to be one of the people who punches her right in the face." I sighed. "Stupid too good for us Zia sitting up in her castle all pretty and safe."

Akeno tensed up. "I sense a demon." She said.

"Did Zia hear me?!" I asked as I looked around.

"Do not insult Zia!" A man shouted before plowing me off my horse and out of Akeno's arms. We rolled across the ground before I wrapped an arm around his head and pinned him hard, cracking his skull against the ground. His head turned away from me and he whined, his skin sizzling under the light of the sun.

"John! What the hell are you doing!?" Came a woman's voice. A woman walked over and gently grabbed my shoulder, pulling me off him before she pulled him up and pushed him under a tree.

"You aren't a Pureblood or a Daywalker. You'll die if you do things like that!" The woman said as she sat the man down against the trunk before turning to look at me with an almost guilty glare. "Why do you insult Zia?" She asked.

I pulled myself up as Akeno walked over and took my hand gently. "Lucky I sensed them and added to the spell." She whispered.

"Zia does nothing to help us. Why should I grace her as a leader when people sit here and suffer because she lets the King do as he pleases?" I asked as I returned my glare.

"Zia is busy keeping her brother in line. She sends her children to help the people." The woman said.

"They're doing a mighty fine job aren't they!?" I growled.

Her glare then turned solid and filled with anger before she raised her right hand, and graced me with the shooting star tattoo on her palm.

"I am Minerva Stargazer. Daughter of Zia."

The Fox and The Cat (Lesbian Story, OLD)Where stories live. Discover now