Chapter 28

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Akeno had for some reason decided to sit out in the rain. She said the pitter patter of the drops calmed her down, and cooled her off. I believed her because steam was coming off her cloak.

I could hear the rain just fine from my kitchen window, with a nice hot cup of tea in my hand.

Why does she need to calm down anyway?

Is she upset with me!?

Oh crap what did I do wrong?!

Think Mikky! What did you do that could have upset her?

I brushed her tail a little rough last night?

Don't be stupid! Something so small wouldn't upset her enough to sit out in the rain just to get away from you!

I was very awkward around Edon when she visited. Could she be embarrassed of me?

Her? Embarrassed of me? Don't be stupid! I'm the best thief in the world! No one should ever be embarrassed of me!

I was about to continue with my conceited thoughts when pain struck my head and I introduced my forehead to the kitchen table.

A vision was playing out before my eyes. I didn't understand why I needed to see something now. It was a big vision because it was still hurting, and so much so that my strength had left me.

A woman was in my vision, with a man close behind her as they walked through the forest. The woman had long brown hair, tied back in a braid. Her face was a little fuzzy, and she had glasses so I couldn't see her eye color, or any specific features. She wore a blue robe, like a mage's cloak. A satchel was hung behind her as she walked forward.

The man behind her was not so fuzzy, but when he came into focus, I was watching from behind, and could not see his face. He had black hair, and was muscular. He wore hunting gear with cloth pants and a leather vest revealing arms covered in tribal tattoos which wrapped around his arms like ribbons, instead of lacing the length of his arms.

"This is it? You're sure?" Asked the man.

"This is it. Merlin's tree." The woman answered as she stood in front of a large oak tree. Their voices sounded echoed, and far away.

My vision faltered a moment before refocusing on the tree itself. There was a man's face shaped into the bark of the tree. Beard and all. His eyes were closed like he was sleeping but they opened when my vision got close.

"Grandfather!" The woman called. "You must give us a sign! How do we break your curse?!"

"You cannot!" Said the face on the tree, but the people didn't react to it, they couldn't hear him. "My curse is eternal, and it is part of my legacy! You will get it, as will your children, and their children!"

"Grandfather please!" The woman called. "Just a small sign!"

Then the roots lashed out from below the tree, grabbing hold of the woman, pulling her down. The man grabbed her arms and pulled her, trying to keep her up.

"Keep Sarah safe!" The woman said. The roots spread up her body, turning her skin to bark.

"I only have a few days left myself!"

"Take her to the Wizards Tower! They're her only hope."

"Nay! Immortality will save her!" Merlin cried from the tree. "A demon shall save her!"

An image of a vampire with gold eyes flashed before my vision before fading. The face I saw was Alice, that much was obvious.

The woman was left nothing but roots and bark, and the man began to cry for his love, before getting up and walking away.

I sucked in a massive breath and sat back. Akeno had turned my chair and was standing in front of me, her hands on my shoulders. "It's alright! It was just a vision!"

"It did not make sense?! What does it have to do with us?!" I asked.

"Elysium is giving you the chance to save someone's fate." Akeno answered.

"I don't even know where that was." I groaned as I pressed my index fingers to my temples.

"Merlin's tree?" She questioned. "That is in Yeager, is it not?"

"That is also out of Edon's territory. She cannot help us there."

"Edon's territory is the entirety of the Vampire Realm. Her job is to watch over the places she is needed most. If we need her there, that is where she will be." Akeno explained.

I rubbed my eyes. "Who's fate will I be changing?"

"Let's go find out."

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