Chapter 2 - Clean Boxers

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"Did you kill her?"  It was the same voices as before. The two men that had tried to save me from my car. One of them was named Marcus? Yes. Marcus. 

"I only hit her hard enough to do a little damage. And who are you to question me?"  Well that answers the question on if he hit me on purpose. 

"Naw, man, she just hasn't woken up yet. It's been two hours." I had been passed out for two hours? My head was too cloudy with pain to do the math of what time it was. I tried to open my eyes, but the light behind the lids was already too much. There was a pain in my side. There was pain everywhere. 

"If you're so damn worried, go check on her. We need her alive anyways."  I heard one of the men climb around the car. I was on something that felt like a seat, so maybe I wasn't in a van. I guess that was nice of them.

Suddenly the pain around my ribs became unbearable, I suspected from the touch of whoever had come to check on me. I wanted to thrash. I wanted to jerk my body out of reach of him. Instead, only a small moan came out of my lips and I shift closer to the back of the seat. 

"She's awake!" the man next to me said. 

"Get your ass back up here then," the other man said. I muttered something, something I didn't know was coming out until it did. 

"What was that?" the man next to me said. I could feel the edges of my lips pulled up a bit in what resembled a smirk as I tried again. 

"He....he sounds ass," a small laugh came out of me, soon interrupted by another wave of pain I had caused. 

"You'd be right about that," he seemed to whisper back before leaving. He had been blocking the sun for me and now it was back to full brightness. 

"Can you open your eyes?" the asshole asked. 

"Not dumb," I replied slowly. "Kill people that see face." I was hoping I was making any sort of sense to them. I knew that most kidnappers covered their faces if they planned on returning their victim. I wasn't prepared to find out if they were wearing masks. 

"We aren't-" the kinder one was brought to a halt when asshole interrupted him. 

"What the fuck?" Marcus asked. I heard the engine of the car slow down. "Why are they here?" 

"I don't know, but it can't mean anything good. We don't have your father with us. They'll never just let us have her."

"Well we need her."

"What are you thinking, fight?"

"No, just follow my lead."

"Do I get....a say?" I mumbled. They were already out of the car. I couldn't hear everything, but some muffled voices came through the windows. 

"No names," assole said before he got out. 

"Why, you don't want her to know who you are?" There was a new voice.

"I'm just not as dumb as you cowards seem to be."

"I would watch what you say. You aren't as intimidating as your father." There was silence. "Well, anyways, just hand her over and we'll be on our way."

"And if we don't?" the kind one asked. 

"Maybe we can't kill you if we don't want a mess with the cops on our hands, but that doesn't mean we won't kill you later and keep her for ourselves then."

These men were seriously out there debating who had the right to kidnap me. I started to open one of my eyes, ignoring the pain as the light flooding through and I was able to start to make out some sort of shapes. I was in a car with a black interior. I looked to my right to find woods. 

I shifted my weight and dragged myself up, taking hold of the door handle and pushing. The door popped open with a quiet click and I fell forward, catching myself so that I could put my feet on the ground. The pain behind my eyes had worn down allowing me to open my eyes fully. I ducked behind the shiny black paint of the car, scooting to the end. I winced at the pain in my side but kept moving. 

We were on a freeway, void of cars except ours and I suspected the others. 

"I'm sure that you like to think that you have power over me, but you don't," asshole said. 

"And I'm sure you like to think that you are more than your daddy's shadow." 

I peeked out from behind the car and saw the back of the two men that had taken me. One was taller than the other. He had darker hair and seemed to be the one taking the brunt of the argument. The other one was blond, strong, and sturdy. He stood to the brunettes right as if at his flank. 

I looked up to meet the eyes of the cruelest man I thought I would ever meet. They were stellar blue, but cold and empty as they took me in. He leaned as if to be looking around the brunette to see me better. 

"It seems we have a runaway here," he said. The brunette turned around, but I didn't stay long enough to see his face. Instead, I stood up and started running down the road. It was more of a staggered jog what with my side, but in my head I was flying past trees to my safety. 

"You still want....that?" Well that was rude. "I will say, she does seem to have some fire in her." There were boots on the ground behind me, going slower than I thought for someone chasing someone down. I looked down to see that I was barely moving this point. I frowned as I watched the ground coming closer and closer. It was like it was coming up to greet me, or me down to it.

Cold. I was cold and wet. The first thing I was able to move were my toes, scooting against the cold concrete mere inches before coming to a rest again. There was no light assaulting my eyes. I was able to open them to see a dark room, moonlight coming from a high window that was barely a foot long. 

I groaned, pushing up until I felt my back hit a wall and then sliding myself up. My shoulder hit the wall and froze, bare skinned as I scooted further up. I looked down to see that I was wearing a white tank top and boxers. 

I scanned the room once more, my eyes landing on a camera in the corner with a blinking red light. I gave spiteful smile before sitting up fully, putting my hand on the wall and pushing myself in a standing position. 

"Oh, there's no need for that," someone said as a door opened. I hadn't seen where it was before, but the old metal caught my eye as it was pushed into the moonlight. 

"Who are you?" I asked. He stepped into the light, allowing me to recognize him as the same person who spotted me during the argument on the freeway. He walked closer to me, and I backed up to the wall. My hands lay flat on it as he closed the gap in between us. His eyes tour into my body as he looked me from top to bottom. 

"All you need to know is that I am no fan of laundry. And I recently had to kill my maid, so I'm going to need those back soon."

N/A And there is the second chapter! So what do you think about the kidnappers? 

What do you think they want with Roseilin? 

Do you think Roseilin will make it out unscathed? 

Who do you think this third party is and what does he want?

Thank you again for staying with my book. Love you guys :) 

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