Chapter 51 - Wet T-Shirt Contest

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I woke up to the feeling of soft, light kisses covering my shoulders and my back. I groaned, loving the feeling but wanting to go back to the bliss of sleep. 

"Good morning, beautiful," Marcus whispered to me. I smiled, at least, before I realized I had no clothing on and could feel every inch of the handsome man behind me. And I meant every inch. I squirmed in his hold, but he didn't let me go. "Rosie, just because it is the next morning does not mean that I don't want to see you, feel you, with any amount of clothes on." 

I sighed, turning around and bringing the covers as far up my chest as he would allow, "I know," I mumbled back. He smiled, giving me a kiss and then pulling away, but I pulled him back for more. After last night, there was never a day that I wanted to be away from this man. 

"Honey," Marcus said between kisses. "It's- eight-fifty-we need- to meet-your father," I pulled away, groaning again and hiding underneath he sheets. "Come one sweetheart. He said to meet him for nine." He got out of the bed and I peaked an eye out, raking them over his nude body as he walked himself to the bathroom. 

I reached over to grab my phone, only to remember that we had to leave them off for the time being. I wondered what was happening at the Thein's house right now. By this time, Robert probably figured out that Marcus knew and had left to meet up with us. I wondered if Marissa knew as well. If her acts of kindness were only meant to keep me blind to what her husband was doing. Did Lukas know? Liam?

I got out of bed, going to stand up before my knees buckled. And down there, it hurt, bad. I groaned, telling myself that it was worth it and that after the next few times I wouldn't wake up the next morning feeling like this. I stumbled my way over to my bag and picked out jade green shorts, white undergarments, and a sorta see through white tee with soft material and a useless pocket. 

Changing quickly out in the room, I knocked on the door, not receiving an answer. I heard the shower going and decided to go in and brush my teeth anyways, not looking over at the shower. But the mirror was the entire length of the wall, and the steam could only cover the glass so well. If I didn't have a tooth brush in my mouth I knew there would be a lip bite. 

As I was spitting out the second time, I heard the water turn off. 

"Sorry! I am almost done, I just need to put away-"

"Can you hand me the towel? I always forget to grab it before getting into the shower," I heard the amusement in his voice as I grabbed the towel for him trying not to look at him as I handed it over, but before I had let go he yanked on the towel and sent me straight to him. 

"This is not a wet t-shirt contest!" I yelled, laughing as he hugged me, but generous enough to hug with the towel around me. Finally he let go, dragging the towel over his hair a few times before wrapping it around his body. 

"You're cute when you're flustered," Marcus said, kissing my forehead before going into the room. I look at my flushed cheeks in the mirror and smiled, then looked down at the wet spot on my white t-shirt. 

"Stupid men and their stupid games," I muttered, plugging in the blow dryer and drying the spots on my shirt. I finished up and brushed through my hair, pulling the top half up and out of my face, using a strand to wrap around the base of the pony to hide the elastic. 

I grabbed all of my toiletries and went back out into the bedroom, putting everything neatly back into my bag and zipping it closed. Marcus had brought his bag over to the bed and was packing it as well, aside from the jeans and light blue undershirt he was wearing. I grabbed the ever handy sunglasses and slid them down the front of my shirt. 

"Hurry up or you're going to make us late," I said, snaking my hands around from behind him and hugging him. I felt him chuckle as he zipped up his bag and turned around. I gave him another small kiss before grabbing my bag and my phone, opening the door and heading down the hall until we reached the staircase on the right. 

When we got down to the lobby, I spotted my dad grabbing some breakfast from the bar and searched for where he set down his things. Putting mine next to it, I took Marcus's hand and walked over and began making a plate of food. 

"Morning dad," I said cheerily. I saw him look at Marcus and I through the corner of his eye. 

"Morning," he mumbled back. Well, at least I knew where I got my lack of love for mornings. "Get something significant. I don't know when we are going to have another meal." The idea put a knot in my stomach as I loaded fruit, eggs, sausage Pattys, and hash browns onto my plate. I grabbed a thing of orange juice and joined my father at the table. 

He and I ate in silence for a bit before Marcus sat down with his plate and my father wiped his face. 

"What's the plan?" I asked. 

"Well, we don't have anything on Robert. We don't know who knows and who doesn't. We don't know which foot soldiers are on his side or ours. We don't know where he is or if he has caught up with us," he started out. I sighed before shoveling more fruit into my face angrily. "But we do know that as soon as we give him a way of tracking us, he is going to think that he can handle us whether we know what he has done or not. So our best bet is finding a place that we can have some sort of control, and then we turn our phones on."

"Wait, you want us to let them catch up to us?" I asked incredulously, receiving a nod from my father. "Then what was the point of us running in the first place?" 

"When your father agreed to leave with you he was trying to not show that he knew what my father was doing. He was trying to find a way to get you and himself out of my father's house where he is the most comfortable and get you somewhere that we could actually stand a chance," Marcis said. I nodded my understanding. 

"So what kind of places are we thinking? We are going to want some place that is public so that they can't just outright blow us up," I said, honestly trying to be serious for once in my life but realizing after both Marcus and my father smirked that maybe they wouldn't automatically resort to explosives. 

"It does need to be public," Marcus said, finishing his plate and leaning forward against the table. "Maybe not a restaurant. There are too many opportunities for there not to be cameras or for people to find hiding spots that will leave us alone with them."

"Okay, so something similar to an amusement park where there is a crowd of people on any given day and there are cameras everywhere?" I asked. 

"That would be a great idea, I just don't think there is anything like that around here," my father said. I thought back to when we were driving into Colorado Springs. I had seen a sign for something that might not be as perfect as an amusement park, but there were sure to be enough people for our interests. 

"I have an idea..." 

N/A  Morning after am I right ;) I started this book thinking that I could write about all lust and that would be fine, but I learned something about myself in the process. Of course they feel lust, but they also feel love, and I think that is because as a person that's who I am. As much as hoeing around seems fun, I just can't get myself to do it. 

What do we think about the happy atmosphere between Roseilin and Marcus?

What do we think about the plan?

We are nearing the end of the book and I cannot wait for you all to see how it ends. As always, leave comments. :)

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