Chapter 44 - Red Streaks

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Marcus and I laid in bed for a couple hours, talking and I'm sure that I dozed off one or two times, but it was the most relaxed I had seen him since meeting him. But sooner or later we needed to go back downstairs. Marcus had been right; waiting for Newman to regroup and come up with a plan to destroy my family, but that didn't mean that I liked the idea. I knew that Robert had done everything for the good of his family, but now that everything was done and over with, I could think of billions of different way that he could have handled everything from the very beginning. He was probably the one person that could have convinced my father not to leave, and yet he hadn't. 

"You're dad said that he and my father had been close since childhood," I muttered. The two of us were on our backs, our heads near one another as we laid there. Marcus hummed his agreement. 

"That's a considerable amount of trust, let alone respect," I observed. Marcus propped his head up on his elbow, looking at me weird. I put my hands up in surrender, "Look, all I'm saying is that I find it strange that the one person that my dad literally followed into a life he never wanted before wouldn't be able to convince him that they should stick together."

"My dad might have thought that your dad would come back," Marcus said simply. 

"Everyone knows that my father isn't a quitter," I responded. 

"What are you trying to say?" Marcus's tone was turning cold. I wasn't trying to say anything at all by the statement, I just thought that it was weird. But now that Marcus was acting defensive, I started to think into it more. 

"I don't know, maybe if your dad had done his job then we wouldn't be in this predicament in the first place."

"My father did everything that he was supposed to," I wanted to shy away from him. His tone was like the same one the first night that we fought. It had been so long since I had heard it that I forgot how to shield myself against it. 

"Yeah, fine, whatever," I said. I got off the bed and grabbed the dress before going to the door. I waited for Marcus to call out to me, to do something to stop me from leaving, but I was out the door without a word from him. 

It was only when the door was shut behind me that I remembered that I was not in clothes that covered very much. I walked faster to the stairs, hoping that no one was going to see me before I reached my room. Of course I wasn't that lucky. 

"Wow, is that a new fashion trend?" Zach's voice carried from the stairs. I had just reached my floor when I had to turn around to see him. He looked me up and down. "I will say, this is one that I could get into."

"Very funny," I said, turning back around and going down the hall to my door. 

"Are you okay?" I heard from behind me. I threw a yes over my shoulder before reaching my door, but he followed anyways. I sighed, turning around as he reached the door. 

"What do you need, Zach?" I asked. He stood close to me, too close for me to be okay with. I took a step back.

"I  don't need anything. You just looked upset so I thought I might check in on you," he told me. 

"You can check in on me without getting so close," I snapped, looking over his shoulder to find Marcus standing at the stairs, looking at our close proximity. I sighed, putting a hand on Zach's shoulder to push him away from me. The look of hurt on Marcus's face crumbled my heart, but I saw his walls going back up before I had time to do anything as he turned and walked away from the both of us. I couldn't help but feel guilty even though I hadn't done anything wrong.

"Look, I'm sorry I just thought you might need a friend," Zach started before he saw Marcus. He sighed, nodding his head slowly in understanding. "I get it," he said. He turned, walking the same way that Marcus went. I angrily pushed my hand through my hair, turning and opening my door and going straight for the shower to take off all the makeup. 

I undressed, turning on the shower and brushing my hair in the mirror. I frowned as I felt something on my leg. I looked down, seeing red streaks dripping down my inner thighs. My mouth dropped open, my heart falling. I couldn't do anything but stare, but I finally pulled my eyes away and looked at the underwear I had left on the floor. It was a dark color, but I could see the stain forming in a small circle. 

I rushed into the shower, washing it off as hot tears ran down my cheeks. Turning off the water, I wrapped the towel around me, drying myself off only to find small red stains now on the bright white towel. More tears rushed down my cheeks. I had no idea what was happening, and the thought of not knowing my body sent me into a constant stream of tears. 

I stood in the bathroom, wiping and re-wiping until there was no more left to wipe. I leaned against the counter, breathing deeply to calm myself down. I grabbed a pad from under the sink, walking to my dresser and attaching, pulling it up my legs before grabbing sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I grabbed the towel that I had left on the floor, bundling up so that all the red was hidden and walked out of my door. 

When I got to the living room, I saw Marissa bustling around in the kitchen. I ignored all the others on the couches and walking right up to her. She gave me a wide smile, beginning a happy greeting before she saw the look on my face. 

"Roseilin, is everything okay?" she asked. She saw the towel in my hands and gave me an even more perplexed look. 

"Where is the laundry room?" I asked. Realization dawned on her face and she gave me a small smile. She probably thought that I had my period and had accidentally gotten in on the towel. 

"Down the hall and the first door on the right before the basement," she said in a quieter tone. I nodded, exiting the kitchen and avoiding the eyes of everyone in the living room, even my father's. 

Standing in the laundry room, I scrubbed in circles with cold water as I watched the stains dissipating, but I couldn't help more tears falling with each movement. I didn't hear Marissa approaching behind me until she was already there. 

"Honey, I just wanted to make sure that-" I quickly drew my arm over my face, rubbing away the tears as I forced a smile, but she didn't take it this time. "What's wrong?" I shook my head, just continuing with what I was doing without saying anything. 

Marissa grabbed the other end of the towel and began working silently as well. Finally, I couldn't stand there in silence anymore. 

"Marcus and I got into a fight," I said. She nodded. "over Robert."

"Ah," was all she said. 

"I didn't mean to start it, I didn't even mean anything by my comment. But he got all defensive and when he did that it just made me think that was I was saying was right." I sighed. 

"I'm hoping that your fight with him didn't cause this?" she asked, holding up the red spot she was washing out as she spoke. 

"No," I said quietly. 

"Do you need anything restocked in your room?" she asked me. I shook my head. 

"I'm not on my period." Marissa thought for a second before she finally understood. Even I didn't  fully understand, but there was only one thing that I could think of that would cause random spotting like this, and it was heavier than normal spotting would be. 

"Do you need to see the nurse?" she asked. I didn't say anything. The idea of someone having to not only check for my health, but have to check down there  when that was the one place that I wanted no one forced my mouth closed. 

Marissa put down her end, facing me with eyes full of concern. "I understand that this might be uncomfortable, but you can ask any one in this house for help and you will have it. Please," she said, putting a hand on my arm, "Don't let this continue without seeking help."

And with that, I was alone in the laundry room once again. 

N/A  So I found out that this is a real side effect sometimes with what Roseilin has been through and I wanted to add it into here so people know that it doesn't just stop once they do. The repercussions after aren't always of the mind. They are physical, too. Woman who come through the other side, they deserve a round of applause. Men who have experienced it, too, I give it all to you as well. 

Leave comments and enjoy the next chapter. :)

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