Chapter 13 - Broken Heart

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Are you going to go in?


Why? know exactly why.

I also know exactly why you haven't been able to walk away.

..........go away Lukas.

It had been a couple hours since I had overheard Marcus and Lukas outside my door. I could still see the shadow under the door where he was sitting. I had stopped crying a while ago and expected him to leave, but he didn't. He just sat there as I sat on my bed.

Quietly, I got up and went to the door, clicking it slightly open, but making sure not to open it too much so that he didn't fall inside. I didn't say anything else as I walked back over to my bed, putting the rest of my things away as I heard him standing near the door.

"If you're gonna insist on staying here, you might as well not look like a weirdo out in the hall." I hoped that my sarcasm wouldn't annoy him, and gladly, it didn't. He just sat down on my bed as I put the last of my clothes away.

"I still don't get the title," Marcus said and I turned around to see him with my books in his hand.

"You'd have to read it to understand," I said, sitting down in front of him. He nodded his understanding before we fell in silence again. I decided to be bold. "I know someone broke your trust," I started out. I saw him fighting to stay relaxed. "I don't know who, I don't know when, and I don't know why. I do know you care about my father, and in turn care about me in some small way."

I waited for him to say something, but he didn't. I put my hand on his, hoping for him to do something, but he just stared at my hand. After a few moments, I went to go take it away when he grabbed it.

"I know that it seems like I'm a monster, but I have to be." he said it so quietly that I wasn't sure I was hearing him right. "My brother Lukas doesn't understand because he isn't the oldest son. If my father dies, all of this falls onto me. I can't show weakness."

"What weakness?" I asked softly, ignoring the warm radiating throughout my hand.

"Love," he said, his voice almost cracking. "Love is weakness."

"Love is not weakness," I replied to him. He ripped his hand out of mine and stood up, but I caught his arm as he turned. "Your father and mother love each other. I have seen it since the moment I turned up here. Your mother is kind, and caring, and your father loves her for it. And yet you idolize your father. You're being a hypocrite."

He spun on me so fast that I lost my balance. He caught me only to push me roughly against the wall, though I noticed he avoided my ribs.

"Don't ever speak to me like that again."

"Why?" I asked, meeting his icy eyes with a fire of my own. "Admit it to me. Admit that you're being a hypocrite and that when your father told you not to have weakness he didn't mean love. He meant something else. I wasn't there and I know it, so don't tell me you don't!"

I saw the anger growing behind his eyes, larger than I ever have seen it before. For a second, I was sure that he was going to punch me until he tore himself off of me and walked out the door. This time, I didn't watch him go down the hall. I slid down my wall and put my head in my hands.

Two weeks went by and I hadn't said a word to Marcus. I knew the Theins were anxious to get my father back, but they were giving me time for my ribs and my concussion to heal. Many times, I overheard Marissa and Robert arguing behind closed doors.

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