Chapter 17 - Bullet Holes

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I was sitting in my room for probably hour three when there was a knock on the door. I put my book down and walked over. 

"Can I come in?" Marcus asked. I stepped aside for him, and he walked in, standing near the door and looking uncomfortable. I stood near him, but not close enough that he could have any affect over me. 

"What?" I asked. I probably should have been nicer, but the reality of what was about to happen to me was closing in too fast. He stayed silent for a little longer. 

"I can't do it," he finally said. Every instinct in me wanted to just tell him to leave and let me be alone, but I pressed on. 

"Why?" He looked at me incredulously. 

"What do you mean why?" he raged. 

"I mean, why? It's a very simple question." I saw his muscles tense. I saw his breathing rise and his eye turn dark. Perfect time to press some more, right? "Why, Marcus?" I walked closer to him, ignoring his clenched hands and looking his dead in the eye. I place my hand on the side of his face and gently asked again, "Why?"

I heard him growl; a low, primal sound that came from deep within him. He pushed me by my waist and shoved me into the wall. I didn't stop looking him dead in the eye. 

"Why, Marcus?" his face was so close to mine, his lips just centimeters away. I resisted the urge to lean forward and kiss him. This had to be him. He had to do it so that when he ran like I knew he would, he would remember how he felt. 

The rage churned behind his eyes. I felt like I was watching a war that he was loosing within himself. I just needed to push him over...

The softest I could with making sound, I asked one more time, "Why?"

His lips crashed down onto mine with hunger and need. My hand moved from the side of his face to the nape his neck as I kissed him back. I pulled on the ends of his hair gently and he gripped my waist, pulling me closer and warming my body with his. 

And then he was gone and my body was cold. I heard the door slam shit before I opened my eyes to see the empty walls of my room. 

"Roseilin," a low voice said. It was Marcus, he was in my dreams. "Roseilin, get your ass out of bed." I opened my eyes to see Marcus standing above me, a ripped sweatshirt on and running pants. He had bags under his eyes. 

I looked over to the clock. 2:45 A.M. "What the hell, Marcus? I have another almost two hours," I moaned. 

"Get running gear on. You're going outside." The thought of me no longer cooped up in this house filled my brain with enough to push my feet out of bed. I grabbed leggings, a tank top, socks, running shoes, and a black light sweater and went to the bathroom. The light blinded me at first, but I got used to it as I pulled the shorts off I had worn to bed and pulled the leggings over it. I slept with a sports bra only last night so I just pulled everything else over it and left the bathroom. 

I followed Marcus down the stairs and outside. He immediately started jogging and I followed after him, putting my hair in a pony tail as we went. It was pitch black outside with not even the light of the moon to guide us. He was using the dark of night to cover a dead girl's face. 


"So have you always had a key?" I asked.

"Yes, it wouldn't be smart to have guests that could do anything they want and be able to hide it from us."

"Right," I said, finally catching up to him as we reached the end of the drive. We turned onto the main road and kept silent. We ran for ten minutes before turning back. 

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