Chapter 11 - Bruised

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I sat out in the garden for at least two hours before I came back inside, finding my way slowly through the house as I went. I reached the living room as saw that both Marcus's siblings had vacated. I walked past the couches and went into the kitchen where I saw Marissa putting together a list of something. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Roseilin, how nice to see you. I trust Marcus showed you your room?" she asked.

"I don't know which one is mine, but I know the floor so I guess I'll find it." 

"Nonsense. I'll send him up to help you settle in after dinner. Speaking of," she said, putting down her pen and picking up her purse. "I was just putting together the list of things I am going to need from the store. We try not to keep too much food in the house just in case we need to run. Would you like to come with me?" she asked. My heart warmed at her kindness. 

"I would love to. Some normal grocery shopping would be nice," I replied. 

"Before we go, let's get you fixed up," she said softly. I frowned. 

"What do you mean?" I asked. My hair was in a pony tail, and I was in normal clothes finally. She brought me to a bathroom that was just off the kitchen and showed me the foot long bruise that was begging to form on my jaw from when Newman punched me there. 

"Oh my god," I gasped, looking at it closer in the mirror. 

"Come," Marissa said, leading me out and down the hall. We went up the stairs, and, to my surprise, up to the fourth floor. 

"You're taking me to your room?" I asked in shock. 

"Is that a problem?" she asked with a smile. 

"No, it's just that Marcus said-"

"Try not to take anything Marcus says too personally. He is his father's son in the sense that he can be scary, but believe me when I tell you that he has my heart."

"If he has one, then why doesn't he show it?" I asked, slowly remembering all those time that I thought I saw an ounce of kindness in him before he changed into an asshole again. 

We reached the top of the stairs and I followed behind Marissa as she walked to the room furthest down he hall, "Someone broke his trust many years ago. I blame his father for using it as a teaching moment not to show anyone weakness, and what my husband gets wrong is his thinking that love is weakness. But I assure you, without my love, that man would be a mess."

I laughed at her words, but it stopped short when I walked into her room with her. It was the size of two of my masters, with tall ceilings laden with gold and blue. They had a King size bed with a tall oak head board. There was a makeup mirror, as well as two dressers. It was very clear which one was for who. 

"Sit down right there. I'm gonna go grab some concealer."

I did as she asked and while I gaped at the room some more, she collected a couple of tools and came back. She lightly dabbed some concealer on my jaw and I held in a wince. 

"This might hurt," she said. "I'm sorry."

"None of this is your fault, Mrs. Thein," I said. She made eye contact with me as she worked. 

"It's not yours either, and you're the one suffering."

"Hey, at least I am alive." She smiled and continued her work. When she finished, I looked in the mirror and all sign of the bruise had left my face. I began to wonder something. 

"How many times have you had to do this?" I asked. 

"If you're asking if I have to cover up beatings from my husband, then I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree. I am not merely his wife, Roseilin. I am his partner. Most of the time I stay here and take care of the house. Other times I go with him and bash down doors. It's good for the legs," she said, winking at me and putting the rest of the makeup away. 

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