Chapter 23 - Dangerous Promises

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I paced outside the door of the office that I had just been kicked out of. My father, my father that I had thought to be dead for two years was on the phone and Robert told me that I had no more business to be in the room? Was he insane? I just wanted to finally be able to prove to myself that these people weren't pulling my strings and that my father was alive, and yet I wasn't allowed to be in the room.

"Roseilin," I heard Marcus walk towards me, but I continued my pace like he was just going to walk right past me. "Rosie," the sound of my father's nickname for me just fueled the anger to my fire. It was only when Marcus put his hand on my arm that I looked at him. He places his left hand on the underside of my jaw. "What's wrong?"

"Your father is what is wrong."

"What do you mean?" I pulled away from his touch.

"I mean that he uses me to take pictures and acts like an asshole down there-"

"-what do you mean-"

"-and then when my father for once has the chance to talk to me, and me more importantly get some answers from him, he throws me out of the office like I was just some pawn."

"Well, Roseilin, to him you are." His words were harsh, and I looked up into his eyes to make sure he understood just how harsh they were. "I said to him you are."

"And you? Honestly, it would't surprise me. Maybe I have been foolish about this entire thing, and maybe you guys are really just using me to get your partner back, and as soon as my father returns, you are going to boot me out and act like none of this ever happened. You are going to drop me. Why would you even want me anyways?" I said the last part as I walked away, searching the halls for some quiet place to go before I just headed up to my room. 

Right now, all I wanted to do was talk to someone about something normal for once. I didn't want to talk about my father, I didn't want to talk about the Newmans, and I didn't want to talk about how I was probably being tricked by Marcus just so that I cooperated with everything to make him happy. 

But this was all I had. My options of people to talk to were limited to three people now: Marcus, Marissa, and Robert. Robert. The son of a bitch had...fucking hell. I couldn't even stand the thought of thinking about him. I didn't know if it was him putting his hands on me or him throwing me out like a dog, but I just the thought and image of his face was making me angry. 

There was a knock at the door. I didn't answer, hoping that whoever it was would think I wasn't there and go away, but the quiet knock came yet again. 

"Rosie, we need to talk." I groaned and rolled off of my bed. I went to the door and opened it. Hands appeared at my waist and pushed me back and to the right of the door, pinning me against the wall as his lips crashed onto mine. I was taken aback, but I knew that I didn't want it to stop, but he pulled away. "We need to talk." He was still so close that I could have twitched and I would be right back to kissing him. 

"It's easier to talk when my lips are free."

"It's easier to talk when you don't run away from me."

"Touche," I said. Marcus took a step backwards and walked closer to my bed. I stayed where I was at the wall, watching him and waiting for him to get angry about the things that I said to him. Instead, he stopped and turned around with an expression that I couldn't read.

"Do you really think that I would just drop you? That I'm using you?" I looked to the ground, my hands behind my back fiddling with the frame of the door as I leaned even further into the wall for help. 

"I don't know what I think anymore," I answered truthfully. 

"What did he do?" Marcus asked.

"Who?" I played dumb, but I knew he was mentioning his father. The feeling of his hand under my chin, much like the man Marcus had saved me from, much like my ex-boyfriend, sent nausea rampaging through my stomach. 

Marcus walked closer to me again, and I looked up to meet his eyes. I had never noticed what beautiful shade of green they were. It was like they had been mixed with grey to create them. I got nervous at the look of concern coming through them towards me.

"Any of them, but specifically, my father."

"What do you mean 'any of them'?"

"Something happened today with my father. My mother came upstairs more pissed off than I have seen her in a while. We both know what I mean about the man at Newmans, and....I get the feeling that someone else has hurt you in the past."

I kept silent, reflecting back on everything I had said. I didn't say much, yet Marcus was observant enough to know that something else had happened. 

"Your father is on the phone with mine, and he kicked me out of the office like I had no business being in there. And I know that woman aren't supposed to be in the offices or whatever, but he was the one that brought me in there in the first place. I did my part-"

"-and now he has to do his. Roseilin, he wasn't trying to be an ass." I looked up at him with confusion. We walked to my bed where he placed me on his lap. "I know my father is not one that is known for his emotion, but your part was to grab your father's attention. Now my father needs to find the perfect way to get John here without the Newmans catching wind of where he is."

Fear spread through my heart, "What if they do? What if they find out where he is? Will they kill him?"

"They'll certainly try," Marcus responded. I found it suddenly difficult to breathe, but Marcus's hand on the side of my face helped to get me to remain calm. "I promise to you that my father wants nothing more than for John to be back, and when he wants something he gets it."

"And you?" I asked. 

"What I want is sitting right here, and if they way for you to see that you are not just a tool to me is for me to make sure that your father makes it home to you, then I promise for it to be done." I put my hand on the side of his face. 

"Don't promise me that." 

"Why not?"

"Because there is too big a margin for error. I don't want to get hopeful, or even worse, get upset with you if you don't bring him back."

"Roseilin," Marcus stated firmly. "I promise that I will bring your father back."

N/A  Dangerous promise am I right?...I just got the biggest wave of being tired, but we are going to push through this. Also, why did I make this story so looooooong. So many chapters to go through, but I think it is a good idea to go through your last story when writing the second because I have found so many little things that I could work into the sequel. 

All my love to you guys. Comment and have fun reading the next couple of chapters :)

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