Chapter 28 - John Smith

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Liam and Marcus had been holed up in a room that I hadn't seen. It was on the same strip that the offices were on, and I never thought much about the closed door. Inside was an interactive table that reflected the computer screen along with many individual computers. Marcus was standing over the table dragging different things that I couldn't make out to either side. I noticed when they slide to the left, they disappeared from the table, and to the right they appeared in a small file on the top right. 

"Marcus," Robert said as he entered. Marcus looked up from the table and his eyes landed on me.

"We've searched through thousands of areas already. Liam thought he saw something on a plot of land, but it ended up just being a farmer with an addiction to goats. Right now we are combing the rest of California-"

"Good work. What are you searching by?"

"Recent move ins with everything paid by cash. No mortgages."

"Good start. Liam," Robert said, catching the attention of Liam as he stood up from his position of sifting. "I want you to get on the cameras. Any of them. Look for similar cars that can hold ten to twenty people in the back."

Marcus looked up from what he was doing. "You think that he transported the girls with him. Fuck, I should have thought of that."

"Try unclogging your head. It works better that way," Robert said to him. Marcus took a deep breath, not responding as he went back to what he was doing. I could see the stress building up behind his shoulders already. 

I walked up to his right, putting my hand on the table next to his. "What can I do to help?"


"Marcus, I know that you think I can't handle this, but I need to be doing something right that is going to be taking my mind off the fact that he is only caught because I lured him back."

"None of this-"

"-is my fault?" I predicted. I waved my hand in front of my face and turned back to the table. "Yeah, sure, you've totally convinced me. Now what can I do?"

Marcus thought for a second before turning back around. I saw him look at his father who gave him a small nod. "Okay, um, you can help me then. I am just sifting through satellite images of places that were bought within the time frame of the night you were there and a month along with the details of the sell."

I nodded my understanding as he swiped something over to me. Suddenly, there were files in front of me. I started sifting through them, checking first for the name of the owners, the size of the home, and then the images and if I could find anything off about them. It was a good distractor, although I found myself in my own head a couple of times. 

I swiped a picture to the left and the next file opened up. I was leaned into the table, my right hand around my neck as if it was going to make the cramp feel any better. I squinted as I read the name. John Smith. I scoffed a little, not thinking that they were dumb enough to use a name like John Smith. I read the rest of the sheet before standing up a bit more, dropping my right arm to the table while doing so. The action stirred some interest in Marcus as he peaked over to what I was doing. 

I moved the file to the side and looked at the details of the house. I could feel my heart beginning to beat faster as I swiped more of it away. Marcus was now standing over my shoulder, deep in reading what I already knew.

"Mr. Thein," I called out. He came over from where him and Liam had been looking through images as well. "I think I found something. I thought the name of this home owner was weird. It turns out that it was for a 10,000 square foot home with 96 acres. It was paid all in cash, and the deal was closed within 12 hours of the deal being presented to the seller."


"Already done. On the day it was bought, there were six vans that match the description you gave me that all were seen in the general area. There aren't any street cameras within a mile of the only road that you can access the main entrance in."

"Fuck," I said. "they'd see us from a mile away, literally."

"Main entrance isn't the entrance I would use," Marcus said, coming around the table and looking at the map of the area around the house. "There are old bike trails right in the back of the property. We could go undercover as bikers-"

"They would fall for it. Don't they know what we look like?" I asked them. Liam interjected. 

"Anyone that saw me is dead, and anyone that saw Marcus is also no longer in this world. Was there anyone aside from Newman that saw you that night?" Liam asked me. I thought for a second, pushing the thoughts of pain out of my head and focusing on what he wanted to know. 

"Newman and two of the guards. Anytime I was brought somewhere it was the same two," I answered him. 

"You wouldn't be going anyways, so it doesn't matter," Marcus said. I gawked at him. 

"The fuck I'm not going. This is my father!"

"And what kind of training have you had?"

"You've been training me every morning for weeks now!" I protested. 

"I have barely shown you how to defend yourself."

"I'm going, and that's final," I said through bared teeth. Marcus crossed his arms, taking a step closer to me. I could see the anger written all over his face, but luckily, Robert stepped in. 

"This is her decision, Marcus. You know that John would not have let her be completely defenseless." Marcus still stared me down like he wanted to break me in half. Robert put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you want her here by herself or out there where you can keep an eye on her?" Marcus thought for a second before uncrossing his arms and stalking out of the room.

I stood there while Robert turned around to me, "Get ready. Liam, have the cars ready to leave in half an hour. Roseilin, try not to fuck this up. I'm only letting you come along so that we have something for your father to come back for." He paused for a second. "Wear something to show your bruises." I nodded my understanding and watched as he walked out, me on tow. 

N/A  What are we thinking? Why do you think Robert is letting Roseilin go? Is he bipolar? (aren't all parents. Just saying)

I just ate the most satisfying bowl of ice cream and my life is complete now. Love y'all <3 :)

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