Chapter 33 - Volume 10

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We sprinted across the lawn, not even caring to check to see if anyone was coming. We were running as fast as our legs could carry us, faster than we thought possible. There was no point in focusing on anything else. If we were caught, we couldn't run faster than we were now. 

My lungs battled against my decision to sprint, and I was falling slightly behind the rest of the group, but I wasn't willing to let myself be seen. I saw Lukas finally hit the shade of the building, running some more until he flattened himself against the wall, breathing heavily. Marissa and Robert were next with Liam right with them. Marcus then hit the wall as I was approaching the spot of shade. 

I could tell they wanted to yell to me, but we couldn't, not with the men above us. I pushed my legs to run faster, looking up to see the boot of the man's shoe as my own stepped into the shadow. I knocked into Marcus, but he barely seemed phased as he looked me up and down. I smiled at him through my rough breathing to tell him that I was okay. 

Robert signaled for our attention and then walked to the side of the building. We crouched under the windows until we got to a side of the house that had glass doors that lead outside. There was a small porch in front of it, forcing us to have to move around it, but I tapped on Robert's shoulder before he could move. 

"We can't be sure when they are going to come back, this might be the best way in for us now," I whispered to him. He thought for a moment and then nodded, signaling to everyone else that we would be going through the doors. 

"Turn off the volume on your radio," he instructed my quietly before moving in. I quickly turned the notch all the way down and followed him in behind Liam. Inside, I was grateful for my choice of show as they didn't make a noise across the hardwood floor. I could tell that Marissa was having trouble keeping her steps silent, but she did it all the same. 

We had entered in through a nice living room with Victorian furniture and throw rugs with various colors. We stuck to the wall the door was on and followed it to an opening on the left, leading us through a kitchen that looked like it had barely been in use. Robert stopped us at the end, looking through the door before turning back and holding up three fingers indicating three people. 

Marcus and Lukas both flanked their father and within a matter of seconds, they were in the room. Marissa Liam and I waited until we heard three thumps before following in after them. We walked around the dining room table and through to what looked like it was a small hall leading to the other side of the house. 

I struggled to keep my breathing under control as we moved one by one down the hallway. I felt my hand tighten around the gun in my hand, making me realize that I had even taken it out of my waist-band. Robert turned quickly, looking inside on of the doors on the left before moving on. I looked in my head for the image of the blueprints that I had memorized. We were nearing the center of the house, and this was the small service hall that also had a small door that lead to the basement. Just as I predicted, Robert stopped at the door, waiting for us to catch up.

Marcus pointed his gun at the door, nodding to his father who then opened it. Marcus disappeared inside, Lukas and Robert right behind him. Before I even got the chance to move in behind them, I could hear the soft shots down the stairs from their silencers. I almost froze in fear before I saw my father in my head and pressed on. I closed the door behind me, quickly walking down the dark stairs. 

This basement wasn't like the one at the other house. It didn't have cells on the walls or any showers, but there were mattresses everywhere with girls on them. Some of them were asleep, some of them looked at us fearfully and to the bodies of the three men that were now dead. I saw Marissa hold her finger over her mouth as a signal for none of them to talk, and we again followed Robert to where he had found another hall leading further underground. I tried not to let the sadness in my heart overwhelm me, but I only had one though in my head. This was almost you

It was here that the memories hit as I saw small areas that had been made into makeshift cells. Chains were dug into the concrete, though we couldn't find anyone there. I scanned as many as I could see from the back of the group, panicking when I couldn't find my father in any of them. Just then, I ran into Marissa's back who had stopped. 

I looked around her to see Robert walking towards someone who was chained to the walls. I couldn't see around his body to identify my dad, and Marissa held me back from trying to get a better look. Robert knelt down, undoing the persons's chains and wrapping their arm around his shoulders. His stood up, bearing the weight of the other before turning around and walking back towards us. 

I almost jumped with joy as I saw the face of the man, the face of my dad, walking towards us, but he did not. His eyes were almost swelled completely shut, and anyone that wasn't as close as Robert probably too blurry to make out. I swallowed down my disappointment as Marcus and Lukas began to walk us back, Robert and John behind them, and the rest of us taking the back. 

I wanted to cry as I watched my father's body being dragged down the hall in front of me, but I pushed them back. We were barely done yet. The only way that we were going to get out of here was if we managed to get one of their cars, and we hadn't thought of a way other than going for it. 

We reached the part of the basement where the other girls were in. My heart begged me to help them escape, to free them from what Newman put them through every day, but I also knew that we wouldn't have the time or the space. The worst part was, Newman would find out that we were here, and he would move again, and these girls would be moved to another place, again.

We made it back up and through the doors, but we continued right down the passage that had lead to the door and turned right. We were now heading into the front of the house, the part of the house that probably would have the most security. Marissa and I were constantly checking out backs, moving with the group but keeping an eye on anyone coming up behind us. Suddenly, as we were turning a corner, there was a shout and a gun firing. I turned to look in front of us to see Marcus and Lukas no longer there.

My heart seized at the idea that Marcus had been hit before I saw him further in the room, punching a guy and taking his gun. Marissa then yelled to me and I turned back around to see men coming down the hallway we had just exited. I lifted my gun, not entirely sure what to do other than pull the trigger. I saw one man in the front go down, and I pulled it again. This time, two of them fell, one from me and one from Marissa. 

We ran from the hallway before we lost the group and tore through the rest of the house. I didn't let myself think about the fact that I was taking lives. I was helping my father escape. I was doing what needed to be done. I was saving my own life. I was protecting those people I loved. 

Soon we had reached the door way, but we were surrounded by men with guns. My father was hanging limply at Robert's side who was struggling to keep him standing. We formed a circle around each other, pointing at whoever seemed to be getting the closest, but none of them fired. I heard a small noise coming from my jacket and took the radio out, pushing to volume 10.

"...surrounded. You have no where to go, silly girl." It was the voice of Newman, making my blood boil. "That was a nice trick you did out there, but none of your tricks are going to work here."

"Why do you care? You're not even here, asshole. If you were you wouldn't be using a radio to talk to me. So why don't you tell your men to put down their weapons and let us go?"

I heard Newman laugh on the other end, "I have absolutely no reason to have that happen."

I stood there for a second, looking at everyone around me. I could tell that everyone was afraid, even if they didn't show it anywhere but their eyes. 

"Yes you do," I said. My tone caused Marcus to look at me. He stared as I paused, realization dawning on his face. Anger replaced his worry, but I pulled the radio to my lips again. "I'll give myself up in place of the Theins, Liam, and my father."

N/A  On a scale of 1-10 how angry do you think Marcus is? Continuing reading to find out ;) 

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