Chapter 10 - Master

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"Try not to fuck her while you do it," Marcus's brother yelled at him as he lead me away. I felt heat run to my face as he said those word, and I was glad that Marcus was half a step ahead of me so that he didn't see. I didn't want him to know that anything about that subject had an affect on me. I know it was paranoia, but I always thought that a soon as someone brought up the subject of sex, everyone would see rape victim written all over my forehead. 

I shook the thoughts away and decided to focus on something else. I noticed Marcus's clenched hands as he moved throughout the house. I wondered what had him so angry. It was probably the conversation between him and his father. Looking back, I probably shouldn't have just walked out of the room to talk to his father when I knew that I was in a house I didn't know and I was in the house of a gang family. 

Did I ever say that intelligence was my thing? Didn't think so. 

"All these rooms on this hallways are for my father, my brother and I and when we have guests. No women allowed."

"Yes, master," I said sarcastically. I saw the muscles in his shoulders tense, like he was ready to pounce at something, or someone. There was no faulter in his step as he continued down the long hall, and before long we reached stairs that lead up to the second floor. Or, well, I wasn't sure what floor I was on right now. 

"What floor are we on?" I asked. 

"The second. This leads to the third and then there is one more floor after that."

"Does all of that include the scary basement where you kidnap and torture people?" I asked more as a joke than anything, but my heart stopped in my chest when he threw me a deadly stare. We reached the top step and he opened the first door on the right to display a nicely set and nicely sized bedroom. 

"The third floor is all housing aside from four bathrooms, two of the full and two of half, as well as a library for all of our guests. None of my family stays on this floor; it's purely for guests."

I nodded my understanding as I ran my hand over the plump comforter. 

"Do you, uh, like it?" he asked, shocking me. Was he asking a question that wasn't threatening my life, telling me to shut up, or asking me how I was so idiotic?

Yes, Roseilin, he is. So answer. 

"Yes," I said. "I'm pretty sure I could fall asleep under this in less than a second."

"Good. Let's go," he said. He lead me down the hall and down another flight of stairs. I noticed we didn't go upstairs. 

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, we headed out a door that lead to a balcony that overlooked their backyard. I tried to keep my eyes inside their sockets when I saw they had a swimming pool, a basketball court, a shooting rang, and a garden. 

Marcus lead the way down the stairs and into the garden. 

"This is beautiful," I murmured underneath my breath. Marcus looked back at me over his shoulder, and then moved further into the garden. There was a bench that was settled up against a pack of trees. He took a seat in the middle of the bench. 

"Sit," he said. Even thought I glared at the command, I did as he asked. My ribs were already starting to feel a little worse than when I woke up. I guess that's what happens when you don't follow doctor's orders. "I figured you would have more questions for me."

"Your mom tried to explain to me why your father would want me dead, but I still don't really understand. You said they were best friends..."

Marcus nodded his head slowly, leaning on his knees, unrelaxed like always. "They are best friends, and I do believe that it was for the best interest of your father. You out of the equation? There would be nothing to stop him from disappearing completely.

"But at the same time, my father has always taken it to heart the fact that John never asked for help. They built this family together, and when times got tough, your dad opted out. I'm sure he had his reasons something along the lines of 'it will keep everyone safer', but my dad never really liked it."

"So your dad wants me dead because his best friend hurt his feelings?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"It's more than that," Marcus said. "I might be my dad's blood, but your father has had his back since birth. That isn't a kind of bond that a fake fire can break. My father has begged John to come back, to let us protect him, but he doesn't. None of us really know why. We never get to actually talk to him. My father just knows places around that he can stash a note and go look for a reply a couple of days later."

I nodded, processing the information. I decided to ask more questions, "Are there any more 'rules' I need to know about?" It was more of a playful joke, but I also feared what would happen if I stepped foot anywhere I wasn't supposed to. 

"The conference rooms I showed you are off limits. If you need one of us while we are in there, send a text. We'll come out. The basement: off limits."

I waited for a beat, "The fourth floor?" I asked. 

He smirked, "Is there something you want up there?" I blushed furiously. 

"Not a chance." I saw him get angry again. Jeez, this guy's temper was worse than my own. 

"There aren't any rules that will get you killed, but it's personal. Don't go if you're not wanted. And don't get caught up there without someone who actually lives here. Too many sticky fingers."

"Wow," I remarked. "I really should just refer to you as master. You guys have a shit ton of-" suddenly, I was being pinned against a tree. 

"Don't. Call. Me. That." he was breathing hard, one hand on the side of the tree and the other on the left side of my abdomen. After a couple of seconds, he added a little gentler, "Do you understand?" I nodded my head. 

"Uh, you can get off of me now." I said. Marcus grunted and released me. Without a word, he turned around and started the walk back to his house. I decided not to follow, knowing I needed to go back in time to help make dinner, but there was too much to think about and this seemed to be the perfect place to do it. 

For starters, what the fuck just happened and why did I let myself get pinned to a tree?

N/A  ooooooooo do we feel a little lust in the air?

What do you think about the end of the chapter?

What do you think about their house?

What do you think about the secrets that Marcus seems to be hiding?

Thank you for all of your support :) 

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