Chapter 21 - Armpit Comfort

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I watched as Robert walked down the length of the basement and up the stairs. Marissa came and undid the shackles on my wrist.

"I am so sorry-"

"He's not. So you shouldn't be either," I said harshly. I sighed, "It needed to be done." Marissa kept quiet as she handed me the robe I had worn down here and we walked up the stairs together, leaving the camera man and the woman to clean up their set.

"Are you okay?" Marcus asked as I walked past him. I nodded my head meekly and continued to stare at his feet. I could tell that he was trying to get an answer out of his mom, who remained silent.

"I'm going to go change," I said, stepping around him and giving a small smile to Marissa as I headed to the stairs. Moments later, I felt a hand slip into mine as Marcus matched his pace with my own.

"I don't like it when you hide things," he said.

"I'm not hiding anything." Marcus snorted.

"Even if I was blind, Rosielin, I could tell that you aren't telling me something."

"I don't think I need to tell you that letting myself be put in front of a camera in a room that felt all to like the real one in nothing but lingerie would not cause me to be in the best of moods!" I snapped at him. He stopped for a moment, his hand leaving mine as we stared at each other. I could sense his walls rising again. I couldn't let him shut me out again, "I'm sorry. I just thought I wouldn't feel like I was being used..." Concern returned to Marcus's face.

I decided to continue my walk to my room but a hand entangling in mine again lead me to the second set of stairs. Soon, Marcus and I were walking through his bedroom door again. Nervous energy pooled in my stomach as I wrapped my robe closer around my body.

Marcus lead me over to the large window that overlooked the backyard. He moved his hand from my hand to around my waist and pulled me closer to him, "I had this put in here about a year ago." I had this put in here when the woman I loved broke my heart and I needed to see more than the blank walls of the room she used to share with me.

I nodded my understanding and let him continue, "Whenever I feel like I am overwhelmed I come here."

"How many times did I send you here?" I asked with a smile as I leaned my head on his...well, I wasn't tall enough for his shoulder, so it was more like his arm-pit. Nonetheless his warmth made me feel better.

Marcus chuckled, "A gentleman would never say."

"When did you become a gentleman Mr. Kidnapper?" I asked. I meant it as a light hearted joke, but I watched the storm overcome his eyes. "I was joking."

"I am sorry for the way that I went about everything. I could have come to you to ask for help, and that might have prevented the Newmans from catching up with us," he said.

"Don't worry about it. It's all in the past." Marcus wrapped both of his arms around me and rested his forehead on my shoulder. I ran my hands gently and slowly up and down his back, massaging the stress as I went. He took his head and moved it to mine, slowly leaning in until our lips met.

The kiss was gentle and tender, like he was trying not to hurt me. But as soon as I pulled ever so gently on the hair at the base of his head, I heard a growl and felt him push me backwards where I fell on my back on his bed. My robe fell open, exposing the lingerie that Robert had handed to me.

Marcus's eyes gazed over my curves hungrily, but panic was setting itself into my heart, "Not yet, please. Please." The words came out more desperate than I intend them, but he calmed me down when he kissed my chest, slowly wrapping my midsection with my robe as he did. Then he kissed my neck and closed the rest. Then he kissed my jaw, tying the knot of the string.

I looked into his eyes long enough to see caring feelings before I crashed my lips back onto his. He hovered over me for a few more seconds before breaking from the kiss and lying next to me, combing his hand through my hair as I cuddled into his chest.

"Thank you," I said quietly.

"That's nothing to thank someone for," he responded sincerely.

"I wish every man thought that way." I said it more quietly to myself than anything, but I felt his muscles tense.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing." God please, I really don't want to get into this right now.

There was a moment where he paused, and I was waiting for the man that I knew that would get angry at me for not doing what he wanted, but soon he let out a breath of air.

"Okay." We didn't say anything else as we lay there, causing my brain to have the time to overthink things of my past. I envisions the one part of the memory that was clear as day. I couldn't remember how it felt, and I couldn't remember the events before and after aside from what the officers had told me happened. I could just remember the feeling of a second of clarity, seeing his face as he towered over me before everything went fuzzy again.

I wanted to apologize to Marcus, to tell him that one day I would tell him my deepest secret, but that day wasn't today. I didn't know if it was going to be tomorrow, a week from now, or even a year from now. It wasn't something that I liked to share with the world. The memory left me feeling dirty, broken, and impure.

N/A  I just watched a team on Survivor that has never won win a challenge and I just cheered so much even though that meant that my favorite team didn't come in first. 

What did you think about the tender moment shared between Marcus and Roseilin?

As always <3 

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