Chapter 23 - Breaking Point

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I walked down the stairs a couple of minutes after Marcus had left. He said he needed to take care of some business concerning something he wouldn't tell me. I had half a mind to ask more questions, but I also wanted to go downstairs to see if Robert had come to any sort of consensus. I was calmer when I looked at it with the perspective that everyone had their part to play, although it did make me think what part Marcus had in all of this. Was he just supposed to be there to try and get me to do anything in order to get my father back?

I pushed the thought to the back of my head. He wasn't even officially mine, so it didn't really matter in the end anyways. I prodded off the last step of the stairs and rounded the corner to see Marissa. She wasn't in her usual chipper self.

"Hey," I said, walking with her to the kitchen where she was setting down some bags of groceries. She gave me a smile, though I could feel the tension that was set behind it. 

"Hi, Roseilin," she said the words kindly.

"Is there something wrong?" I finally asked as I began to help in putting the groceries away. Marissa didn't answer me at first, making me feel even more nervous about whatever was wrong with her. Marcus had said that she had come from downstairs angrier than ever. Was this all because of me?

"If this is because of me and -"

"Roseilin, my husband being an asshole has nothing to do with you?" I was shocked by her upfront harshness, especially when talking about her husband. Wasn't this the same woman that didn't like when I had called her son an asshole?

"He did what he had to do in order to get my father back."

"Roseilin, I have no doubt that my husband thought what he did was necessary, and I have no doubt that the added feature to the photo will make it seem more realistic, but I do have doubts as to whether or not my husband is doing this because he wants his friend and partner back or if he wants John back so that he can beat him senseless for not falling back on him like he should have."

"You think Mr. Thein would want to hurt my father?"

"I don't mean that he is going to kill him, or that they are going to fight physically, but some people think that what your father did is almost betraying the gang. It made us look weak, like we couldn't take care of one of our own."

"I know my father; he left because he didn't want to be a burden if anything. I might not know everything, or even anything, about this gang, but I know that my father would never want to burden anyone with him needing anything."

"And that got him very far in leading us, but for others they blame him for smaller gangs no longer taking us seriously. It makes it look like he is scared of the Newmans rather than taking a step back so that they wouldn't use his family against him."

"What do you mean about the other gangs?" Marissa was about to open her mouth to answer me when Robert's voice rang out instead. 

"You have said quite enough, Marissa," his voice was low and serious, and if I looked hard enough I could see a flash of nerves before Marissa turned her back and continued to put the last of the groceries away. 

"You, now," Robert said, pointing to me. 

"No." Let me admit, I didn't know it was coming out of my mouth until it did, but now that I had said it, I felt a fire returning to my heart that I hadn't felt for a long time. Not since I had first been taken. Robert's face, if it wasn't angry before, was now furious. I decided going on the offense was my best option at this point. 

"At this point, I would thank you for rescuing me from the Newmans, but that wasn't you. That was Marcus-"

"Fixing his fuckup-"

"-yeah," I replied just as quickly. "Your fuckup. You wanted me dead. You didn't want the dead weight of John's daughter, and I can't believe that for a second you had convinced yourself that there was some way my father would ever want to come back if I was dead. Marcus was smart enough to know that it was better for me to be alive."

"Roseilin..." Marissa warned.

"Let her," Robert said, folding his arms as he took me in. 

"Ever since I have gotten here, the best you have treated me is letting me into a stupid room that women aren't allowed into. The first time you saw me you acted like I was the most disgusting thing, and then acted like nothing ever happened. You have been relying on your wife to make you look better, and I am so sick of you walking around, ordering me around, and treating me like I am one of the people you have walking around here under your goddamn foot. I am not apart of your gang. My father is supposedly your best friend, and yet from what I have seen, your absence of a heart makes having a friend pretty difficult. 

"I don't care about whatever plan you have made if it doesn't allow space for respect. I have done nothing but try and come up with some way in order to get my father back. And yeah, maybe it is for far different reasons that you care to have him back, but he is my father nonetheless, and you shoving me out of the room as soon as he called because of photos that were my idea after you treated me like dirt is unacceptable."

When I had finished, Robert just continued to stand there and act like I hadn't said anything. 

"Are you finished?" he asked rudely. I didn't reply, instead I just glared at him. "Good, now follow me. We need to prepare you for your father." 

N/A  YOU FREAKING GO ROSEILIN!!! So proud of my girl. And so proud that Marissa is taking responsibility for the fact that her husband is an asshole. 

What do we think is going to happen now that John is in the picture? Are they going to succeed in tricking him back?

Leave your comments and have a great rest of your days! <3 :)

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