Chapter 29 - Fake Names

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I knocked lightly on the open door to Marcus's room. He was standing over his desk going over some papers, but he quickly hid them from me as he heard my knock. I gave him a confused look, but when I saw the flustered look on his face I decided to drop it. 

"So," I said, walking in closer to him. He walked further away. I sighed. "You're upset with me."

"You shouldn't be coming with us." I sighed again, not trying to move closer again and instead standing just inside the door frame. 

"You know that I would go stir crazy just being left here."

"You have only the training that I have given you, and we haven't even been training the past couple of days!" he sat on his bed, almost as if he was defeated.

"Marcus, if me going means so much to you, just think of me the same way that you did when you rammed her car into mine."

"That's not going to happen," he said. "Just because you aren't my girlfriend doesn't mean that I don't care about you. I can't just go back to how it was before." I won't lie. I felt a sting when he said that I wasn't his girlfriend, even though it was the truth. I dropped my eyes to the floor.

"I don't know what to tell you," I said quietly. 

"That you will stay here, where they can't harm you." I could hear the hope in his voice - hope that I wasn't going to let him have.

"I can't Marcus."

"Why?" he roared at me. He stood up, walking to me with such a deadly look on his face that I stood where I was, fearing for whatever was going to come next. I repeated to myself that he wouldn't harm me, but it did little against his cold eyes.

I remembered just earlier this morning I had yelled the same question to the world. I remembered how I had felt: desperate; powerless; useless. 

I stood my ground against him, looking up into those eyes with all the warmth I could muster and watching some of it begin to transfer over into his. I placed my hand on the right side of his face.

"I know that I am not your girlfriend. I know that you have been hurt, and that the idea of being with someone else must be scary, but the thought of you going in without me to know what is happening to you is equally as terrifying as you seeing me out there with you."

Marcus rest his head on mine and I let my hand slip down and rest just below his neck. I could feel his warmth radiating towards me, along with it emotions that I wasn't expecting. Sadness. Fear. Regret. 

I looked back at him with curiosity, "You regret bringing me into this," I said. I said it more factual than I felt it, but once it came out I knew that I was right. 

"I don't want you to be put in harm. If Newman gets you again, with the way that he can run his girls, we may never be able to find you again," he replies softly. 

"You can't live in fear, Marcus. I am terrified that when we get there my dad's bloody corpse is going to great us on their door step, and I don't want to see that. But I am not going to let that get in the way of the possibility that I might get there and he is alive."

There was a knock on the door and Marcus and I jumped apart. It wasn't that we were embarrassed, but the sharp sound interrupted my soft attempt to break down more of his walls. Liam stood there, seemingly embarrassed himself. 

"Um, sorry. I didn't mean to, uh, sorry." Liam stopped himself from rambling on even longer. I didn't say anything, but Marcus stood up straight.

"Liam what is it?" he asked. 

"Oh, right. The cars are ready. Your dad wants us to be leaving as soon as possible."

"We'll be down within five minutes." Liam nodded and headed out. Marcus looked around as if trying to find something, walking to his table and putting a hand gun in his waist-band. I swallowed the fear that came with the sight.

"I have to go change. Your dad wants me to wear sometime that shows off my uh..." I let the sentence fall, remembering our conversation from earlier and not wanting to revisit the look he had on his face. 

"Let's go," he said. I followed him down to my room. I looked through the clothes in the closet that Marissa had got for me to work out. I knew the bruise on my side was already showing more, so I picked a dirty cut off and a sports bra that covered the most of any of the ones I had. Before I ran to the bathroom, I grabbed a pair of plain black leggings and black sneakers.

In the mirror I quickly checked the bruise on the side of my face and decided to make my ponytail higher and tighter to show it more. It wasn't as bad as it was going to get, but it was noticeable. 

When I walked out, I saw Marcus's eyes flicker to my side and his hands tighten into fists. I put my hands on them and loosened them.

"Don't think about it." He opened his mouth to say something before thinking better of it and moving on. We walked down to the living room together and to where the door was open. I could see the driveway filled with three cars. 

The sound of heels clicking on the floor brought my attention to where Marissa, clad in thick heeled knee high boots and a black body suit, was walking from the hall of offices. 

"You're coming with us?" I asked.

"I told you that Robert and I are not just married. We are partners, and this is too important to mess up." She smiled at me as she walked in front of us and exited the house. I breathed in the fresh air as my sneakers his the gravel. I hadn't noticed how much the weather had gotten warmer, and it wasn't automatic. I had been in the house for almost two months now. 

I walked to the black charger, the only one that I recognized, and was relieved to see Marcus go around to the other side. Liam begrudgingly got into the back, letting me take the passenger seat. 

"We stay in a line the entire way there. Do not make any turns that the others won't be able to follow. We stick together and we do this right," I could hear Robert talking to everyone through Marcus's open door. I took a deep breath, thanking God for a moment for letting me be able to just sit in the passenger seat for this. 

Marissa walked up to my window as Marcus got in and started the car. I rolled my window down as I looked up at her confused. 

"I think you should have this," she said, extending her hand and giving me a hand gun much similar to the one that Marcus had put in his waist-band. I pushed down the feeling of nausea as I took it with a stressed smile. It felt heavy in my hand, but not unfamiliar. Maybe my dad was planning on telling me his secrets one day, because I knew my way around these weapons better than some. "Stay safe, and don't be stupid," she told me pointedly, and then looked in the back seat to where Liam sat.

"Oh, I know you don't mean me, Mrs. Thein." Marissa cracked a smile, all of them so easy going even with the knowledge of what we were heading into. She walked away to the car behind us, getting in with her husband and starting their own car. 

I looked over to Marcus who was beginning to roll he car forward behind people I had yet to know. He glanced over at me, the only one not to offer a smile, butI almost respected that more. A smile seemed to me to be false hope at a time where everything rode on pictures and fake names. 

N/A  Let me just ask this question. If you're dating someone, and that someone is driving, and they have a friend with them, who gets the passenger seat? The girlfriend or the friend?

Let me just tell you that for three months straight my ex made me sit in the back while his buddy rode in the front. Then yours truly finally flipped out and got the passenger seat. :)

Hope everyone is having a good day <3 :)

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