Chapter 49 - The Death Of Me

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Marcus drove for at least an hour before I started to think we were in any sort of normal civilization. 

"Where are we?" I asked. Marcus seemed to get jolted out of his thoughts, but it was my father that answered from the back of the car. 

"Denver. We are driving to Colorado Springs and paying for a hotel there is cash."

"What is our plan after that?" I asked. There was a long moment of silence, prompting me to look from the road to Marcus, and then to the back of the car where my father was looking out the window. I sighed. 

"Well, at least we are safe," I mumbled, not that I really believed my own words when they came out of my mouth. I sighed again as I leaned my head against the window of the car. 

"We are about to cross into the Colorado Springs boarder," Marcus announced. "Can I get the first hotel that I see?" he asked. 

"No-wait, yes." I frowned at my father who sighed. "It would be idiotic to pick the first one. If someone were to follow us here, they wouldn't have to look long before they found us-"

"-But there is a chance that they will come to that conclusion and not want to waste the time spent looking for us when they don't believe we would be stupid enough to stop there," I finished for him. 

"You have changed," my father said with a smile. 

"Is that good or bad?" I asked. I didn't mean to cause the very serious look to come over my father's face. 

"I don't know," my heart dropped at his words, but he turned back to his window and I turned back to the front of the car. Marcus removed his right hand from the steering wheel and put it onto my leg. I smiled my reply and looked out the window. 

Some time later, Marcus pulled into a Hampton Inn, dropping my father off at the door to get us booked for rooms while Marcus and I parked the car. As Marcus turned off the car, I reached for my seatbelt to get out of the car, and there was a gentle hand covering mine. 

"I don't think that he meant anything by it, Rosie," he said. I looked up at him, reaching his eyes before I smiled. 

"I know that," I said. "I just can't help but remember everything that I have gone through in the past months, everything that I did to try and get him out of danger, and yeah, I am going to change. But it is not fair for him to make me feel bad about it."

Marcus looked at me, taking me in before he gave me a grin and put his hand on the side of my face, "You have changed, but not in the terrible ways I can see you thinking of behind those stunning eyes of yours," as he talked, he drew his thumb under my eye. "You have become stronger, more alert of what is happening around you. You are smarter and observant.

"You think that you've changed in the ways of your heart, of who you are, but Roseilin, you haven't. You are still the caring girl that sat on your bed and made a deal with the asshole that totaled your car." 

I laughed at the last part, remembering the very first day this all started. 

"Now come on, I would hate for him to think anything is happening between the two of us," he gave me a light kiss before leaving out of his door. I smiled to myself as I opened my door, trying to figure out the point in time that Marcus changed from the asshole I hated to the man that I...loved?

I shook the idea from my head as I grabbed two of the bags from the back of the car and started walking towards the hotel. Marcus caught up soon after and we walked into the lobby to see my father being handed three room keys. 

"Hey," he said as we approached. "I got us three separate rooms on separate floors. I am on floor three, Roseilin you are on floor five, and Mark you're on the top floor." My father handed us our room keys as he told us, and I couldn't help but do a double take as I heard my father call him Mark. 

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