Chapter 22 - Hello To You, Too

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I stayed in his room with him for another hour before he had to leave for something with his dad.  I went back to my room and changed into normal clothes and then joined Marissa down in the living room where she was planning something her husband had asked her to do. 

"Every year, the leader of the gangs get together and it's supposed to be one night that everyone forgets their rivals. It's almost like a new day to reevaluate your friends and enemies, and to try and make more allies. 

"Most of the time people insult each other and get on each other's bad sides, and the only thing keeping them from killing each other is the tradition that it is a day of peace."

"When it is?" I asked her as I flipped through a book of recipes. It was apparently her responsibility to cook all of the food. No food was allowed from guests in case they poisoned it and at that point they were in their home and could do anything while the hosts were dead. 

"It's this upcoming Sunday."

"You're telling me that we only have six days to put this together?" I asked. "Even students work longer for prom."

Marissa laughed, "The house is already made. We just have to cook a lot of food and prepare the living room and dining room. I'm sure that when you went to prom it was more than a clean house."

"I wouldn't know," I said quietly.

"What do you mean? You didn't want to go to prom?"

"I couldn't," I replied simply. Marissa gave me an incredulous look. 


"I was...preoccupied." After a moment, realization dawned on her face. 


"The night that Marcus and I fought about the reason that he didn't love." 

"Oh," was all she said. We kept working out the details until she got up to leave. I still wasn't allowed out of the house unless in the backyard, so I stayed back while she went. I wasn't sure what to do with the day. Marcus was out with Liam, and I had barely said a word to either of his siblings since they had gotten here. I was alone.

"Roseilin," Robert's voice called. I looked up to see him standing at the top of the step that lead to the couches I was sitting on. "come with me please." I out down the magazine I was looking through and followed Robert back down the hall to the same room that he had pulled me in the day he had talked to me about what we were going to do about my dad. 

"Alfred got me the pictures-"

"-that was fast." He looked at me with some anger at my disruption, but I couldn't care less. I was still upset at what he had done down in the basement. I understood that maybe the Newmans would want to show off that they could touch me, but the point was that everything was fake. I should have known about what he was going to do. 

"Yes. He everyone works fast when the right pressure is applied." We stared at each other for a second, me trying to decipher the dig as he waited for me to do it. "I thought you might want to be in the room when I put them on the internet for all to see."

I didn't say anything, instead, I just sat in one of the chairs. Mr. Thain turned his monitor to the side so that we both could see what was happening on the screen. It was some site that I wasn't familiar with. 

"This site is active among gang members, but it is mostly just for the leaders to post on. I guess you could describe it as a place where we can taunt each other." He scrolled down a couple and I saw posts made by various people. None of them were kind. 

"What's the point of constantly trying to make beef with someone else?" I asked. Robert shrugged. 

"I don't know, to be honest. We don't generally go on here, and we don't make of these posts. We are more about making money than trying to get famous, and for that reason we have the fame these small gangs are looking for."

"You're going to post the pictures on there? How are you going to be able to imitate Newman's account?" I wanted to ask how many people were going to see it, but I didn't think that I wanted to know. 

"I had my IT guy come in and mimic a new account to Newman's existing one. Lucky for us, Newman talks a lot on here. He sells...merchindise. The only way people are going to find out that it wasn't him was if they checked the IP address and figure out that it was sent from here."

"Okay," I replied. I watched as he clicked open a file and I saw the first picture. It was me, of course, but seeing myself chained up like I was made nausea rear its head in my stomach. I fought to keep myself still as he dragged the picture over to the home screen, dragging the entire file while he did it. He then opened a new text box and clicked the attachment button, selecting the file, and hovered his hands over the keys. 

I saw his brow twitch for a second, and for the first time I remembered that even though Robert wasn't nice, he wasn't the kind of man that would do this to someone. How would he know what to say to make this as real as possible?

I got up from my chair and put my hands on the top of the keyboard, asking silently and receiving a nod in answer. I slid the keys around and thought for a moment before I began to type out the message. 

Out of all my girls, this one had the most fire. Don't worry to anyone who wants to buy, we broke the attitude out of her. 

I slid the keys back over and sat back down in the chair I had been in before. I heard Robert clear his throat, not making eye contact as he clicked the send button. 

"How long are we leaving it up for?" I asked him. 

"Only for the next couple of seconds. We wouldn't want to do it longer than a minute."


"Because when your father sees this, he is also going to see that it is deleted which will line up with the story that we deleted it to keep it quiet that you were taken from us." I nodded, and a few seconds later he clicked the delete button. I would be lying if I said that it didn't feel like eternity that the world was looking at me. 

"Done," Robert said, leaning back and turning the laptop back towards himself. "it shouldn't be too long before-" the phone on his desk rung, cutting his sentence off more rudely than I had before. My heat beat harder in my chest as he picked it up. 

There was a moment while Robert listened to whoever was on the other end of the phone before he spoke, "Hello to you too, John."

N/A  Things are starting to get serrriooouuuussss. How are they going to make John really thing Roseilin isn't safe?

What is going to happen if John figured out what Robert has done to Roseilin?

Thank you for staying with the story guys :) <3

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