Chapter 16 - Trust

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I woke up to the sun coming in from my windows. I stretched lazily in bed and then threw the covers off of me and going to the closet. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans and a black tank top. Even though the weather was still chilly from spring, it was starting to get warmer in the house at least. 

I had to say that living in the mansion was something that I was going to miss when this all over. They curtain over my windows were an orange so that at night no one could see in but during the day, some orange light bounced off the walls. It was the best thing I think I had ever woken up to.

When I went downstairs, Robert was sitting in the kitchen eating something that Marissa had made for him, though she was nowhere in sight. I slowly walked over, leaning against the counter and waiting for him to realize I was there. 

"Yes, Miss. Nathelee," he asked me, not looking up from what he was reading. 

"Mr. Thein, I'm sorry to interrupt but I think it's time," I said. 

"Time for what exactly?" 

"Time for us to figure out how we are going to bring my father home," I replied to him. That caught his interest and he put down his coffee and the newspaper. 

"Well, you already know what I think will work on my father. And I'd rather not actually get kidnapped again, so we might be able to use some part of the basement to be able to convert it into what I remember of the Newmans," I said the last bit quietly. 

"And you're still okay with looking the part?" he asked. I thought back to the times I had overheard his and his wife arguing over it. He had said it was my choice...

"I don't want you to get the idea that I am okay with any of it. I'm not happy that I am going to have to be recovering for another month, but I am also not happy that my father decide to up and leave me. I don't care about why you need him back, to be quite honest. I want him back so that I can punch him in the face for leaving in the first place. And if that means that I have to endure pain for a while, well, pain is temporary so I guess that's just what needs to happen.

"Okay," he said, picking up his coffee again. 


"Well, I would like to finish my morning coffee before I talk about beating you up for your father. I save that topic until at least after my coffee." 

"Right," I said, turning around and walking away. I decided to go to the library to see if I could find any new books that I hadn't read yet only to find the back of Marcus's head. I slowly walked up behind him to see that he was now on page 13. 

"I can help you with-" I didn't finish the rest of my sentence before I found myself being throw against a table, Marcus with one hand around my throat. I took in his newly showered smell that was jus as intoxicating as it was in the car. 

"Sorry," he mumbled, letting go of me. 

"Nah, I probably shouldn't sneak up on the son of a gang leader," I said, rubbing my neck as he stepped back. I walked back over and grabbed the book, going to the far side of the room and sitting down on the small couch provided. I looked up at him, who was still just standing there.

"Are you going to sit down?" I asked. He let out a breath of air as he walked closer, sitting on one of the chairs that face the couch. 

"One time, when I was younger, we raced across the Charles de Gaulle Airport to catch a last minute flight. Dad didn't relax until the plane was off the ground. I asked him point blank what he was running from, and he looked at me as if I had just pulled a pin out of a grenade. For a second, I was scared he might actually tell me the truth. Then he said, 'Carter, nothing' as if 'nothing' were the most terrible thing in the world...."

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