Chapter #1 John

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Hello! You are reading the first chapter of my book 'What If.' First of all, thank you! I'm glad you're taking the time to read it, and I hope you'll enjoy it. However, second of all, I'd like to give you a heads up. My writings been changing quite a lot over time, to the point where I look back at my old writing and cringe. So, recently, I've been trying to rewrite a few of the earlier chapters, one by one, so that the books improves. So, I wouldn't blame you if you became disinterested rather quickly, my writing isn't exactly what I'd call good. And I hope you reach the further decent written chapters later on!
Thanks again for reading!

I stared at my blood red hands. The crimson colour coated my pale long arms, giving me a sense of enjoyment. I glanced back at my victim, his pale green coloured hair illuminated the dark alley way. I cracked a smile.

Wiping my dark coloured hands against my jeans, I knelt down to my victims level. A sense of adrenaline seemed to pulse through my veins, and the fear on the boys face only made it quicken.

"How does it feel?" I asked in mocking interest, "To be completely helpless, betrayed, and most of all," I grinned, "In pain." A cruel sense of pleasure glinted through my eyes, and I stared, waiting for an answer.

His dizzy eyes washed over me, confusion took over his face, "Why?" He asked in a high shaky voice, reminding me of a child who was scared. "We left you alone didn't we? What more do you want!?"

My hand softly touched his hair, before gripping it, and raising him up to a sitting position. "Revenge," I smirked, "These actions are made out of pure revenge. Of course, some people will receive more pain for their actions."

He held his hands to his chest, "Isn't this enough? What worse could you do?" His petite body shook, fear coloured his face. I could tell he knew what was worse, what I could possibly do to make him regret everything.

"I could do so much more," I whispered, "If I wanted," I grinned, "I could grab you right now, and continue where I left off." I wasn't bluffing, and the only reason I contained my anger, was for the fact that I wanted to put it out on someone specific.

"Not to Claire," he tried to reason, "she was only trying to..."

I slammed my fist against his face, watching as he fell backwards, groaning. His nose was bleeding, and his right eye drooped ever so slightly. "What did she want???!!! What would she achieve from lying and betraying me??!!!"

He whimpered, "S-she only tried t-to stop you f-from becoming a t-threat to the school," he caressed his face gently.

"Me?" I asked in sarcasm, "a threat to the school? And why didn't she tell me in my face? Why did she have to wreck the only trust I had?" My anger was building up, bubbling ferociously. I would need to hold it in, control it.

"I don't know!" He sobbed, "Just please, don't hurt me!" He began to curl into a ball, only defining the fact that he was helpless in a situation like this. A calm feeling spread through me, and I the anger settled back. I wouldn't hurt him if he was in a state like this. 

Not while he was so pathetic.

I stood up, "Only this once." The stoic look on my face didn't leave, and I only narrowed my eyes. "But I want you to do me a favor first." If he thought he was going off just like that, he was sorely wrong.

He shook even harder, "What do you want?"

"I want," I thought about it for a moment, "you to come go to Claire and tell her that I want revenge." My head cocked to one side, "Make sure to add this, until she comes apologizes and receives her beating without any complaints. I will keep beating up her little minions like you, and torturing them!" A wicked smile danced across my lips.

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