Chapter #6 Seraphina

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When I asked if my day could get any worse,
It was a rhetorical question, not a challenge   

I froze.
      What was going on?
1) Just now, Remi's brother Rei fainted from who knows what.
2) Some evil woman was attacking him, I got her off for now, but I didn't want to wait to see if she came back.
3) I'm freaking out, and I'm injured.

      "Rei!!!" I yelled, "wake up!" I knew that in situations like these, I couldn't do much. I couldn't heal him, carry him, or shout for help. My voice was cracking, my legs could barely keep me up, and my ability wasn't working. I think I had pushed myself to my limits, if only I didn't use my ability to run when I came out of the school. Then I would've had enough energy to do all these things.

      I searched for my phone, I had no idea who I was going to call, probably the first one I could reach.I scrolled down, shaking, until I found one, Arlo. He would be calm enough to help me, right?

      I put the phone to my ear, hoping that he would indeed answer.

      "Hello, Seraphina?" I could hear Arlo from the other side, I relaxed, maybe I could get out of this mess.

      "Arlo," I sighed, "look, you need to come here now, Rei is..."

      "Wait," Arlo told me, "slow down I can barely hear you."

      I calmed my uneven breaths, "Look, Arlo, I found Rei being beat up by some woman, so I saved him. The thing is that she was stronger than I thought, and now I can't even walk, or carry Rei back to the school." My voice was shaky.

      I could hear Arlo grind his teeth, "you got beaten?!"

      "Idiot!" I growled to the phone, "don't you understand that I was in a moment of life and death, besides, the woman looked as if she was going to kill him!!"

     It went silent, until I heard him once again, "where are you?" His voice was a lot more urgent, and I think he realized how serious the situation was.

      "We are at," I looked at one of the street names, " at St. Halloway, in one of the alleyways."

      Then, the phone cut off, and I slumped to the wall. I groaned, and looked at my injuries. My arms were worse than I thought. The purple yellow bruises told me, I wasn't going to get better. My legs were twisted in an odd fashion, and I bet there was blood on my face. I hoped that someone would get here soon, I really didn't want the blonde haired woman with a bun to come back.

      Minutes passed, but to me, it felt like hours. I swayed softly, too tired to look scary or strong, suddenly, I heard a voice, and some footsteps coming our way.

      I stood up, fast and careful as always, but this time, I could barely keep my position.

      "Don't worry," a male voice soothed, "it's Arlo, I'm not going to hurt you." He walked toward me slowly, almost as if he was trying to gain my trust.

      Then, I noticed it was Arlo, I had just been so focused on fighting that I hadn't even recognized his voice!
"Arlo?" I croaked, my feet gave away, and I was back to the floor.

      "Shhhhh," it's okay, he continued to soothe, he finally reached me, and analyzed my injuries. "Wow, the attacker must have been good." He said.

      I smiled, "that isn't it, I just used to much of my ability to get here."

      He nodded, and went over to Rei to analyze his injuries. After that, he pulled out his phone, and started dialling a number.

      "Please," he spoke to his device, "I need the authorities here as soon as possible, thank you." With that, he turned to me. "Do you remember what happened?" He walked over and kneeled down to my level.

      "I do," I told him a little bit more confidently, "but could you please, stop treating me like a little kid who's traumatized and needs medical attention?"

He chuckled, "but I'm almost certain that you are describing yourself right now."

I glared at him, I knew exactly what was going on. He saw me weak at the moment, and was now using it to his advantage. "Stop it." I demanded, "stop treating me like I'm weak."

He smiled and moved closer, "but you are." He grinned, "and I'm not using it to my advantage, I'm just showing you that you aren't invincible!"

I felt my anger bubble up, "of course I'm not, but at least I was able to protect Rei, unless." I paused, "what did you want the outcome to be? Me winning, saving Rei, or me losing and dying, and you becoming the strongest in Wellston?"

I saw him stiffen, and I knew that what I had just said was petty, really petty. But I couldn't control myself, how could I? He was acting as if he wanted to humiliate or tease me about what had just happened, and that did not go well with me. He was acting all nice, and I knew that it was an act, in reality, he was only trying to gain information. Besides, he didn't know how serious the fight was, and how close it was to all ending. If I hadn't pulled my trick on her, who knows what would have happened?

      "Fine," he growled, "if you want to be that way." He walked off, and grabbed Rei, lifting him up on his shoulder. "The authorities should be here soon," he told me stiffly, "I'm taking Rei to the infirmary."

I glared at him, my feet felt sore, and I could feel my anger rise as I stared at his back. Why leave me here? There was only one reason, he hated me somehow. Had I done something to insult him? Was it simply because I was more powerful than him?

* * * * *

I looked at my clock, an hour had passed since Arlo had left, and nothing had happened. Wait a second. What would stop Arlo from calling the authorities and telling them that it was a false call, and that everything was okay? Leaving me stranded here, with only a few hours until school began.

I muttered a string of curses, "stupid ass, shouldn't have trusted him." I grabbed my phone and dialed Remi's number, she was the only person I could count on now, I didn't want Elaine to get hurt if she came over here.

"Remi?" I glanced at my phone.

"Ughhhhhhh," a groan was heard from the phone, "its soooooo early."

I rolled my eyes, "look Remi, could you please come to St. Hallaway street in one of the alleyways, I can't walk back to the school."

Silence filled the phone, "what?!" Remi asked horrified.

      "Please come get me," I paused, "at the moment, you are the only one that can!"

      She sighed, "fine, stay there, I am coming over." With that, the phone shut off.

      I leaned against the alley way wall, "What have I gotten myself into?"

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