Chapter #9 John

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I have not failed...
I have just successfully discovered 10,000 things that won't work.

       "Get out!" I yelled to the stupid magenta girl who stood in the way of a powerful man.

       I could hear her mumble, "I get to fight two evil people today, Perfect."

       I tried to get up, but the ache in my stomach stopped me. "Ugh!" I groaned in pain. I hadn't been beat up since I was a cripple, so I wasn't used to the pain.

       The girl looked at me worried, "Are you okay?" She asked worried.

      "Focus!" I yelled.

      The man had a fireball in his hand, the girl that seemed my age activated her ability.

      And the next thing I knew, she was behind him. 'Is her ability teleportation?'

      She slammed her fist onto the guys head, and he fell forwards. I widened my eyes, she had caught him off guard!

      The man stood up fast, he wasn't going to be tricked again. He swung at her, but she again appeared right behind him. This time, he was prepared, so he lunged at her, tackling her to the ground.

      The girl looked surprised, but didn't show any sign of worry. She pushed him off, and appeared not behind him, but beside him.

      The man clenched his teeth, his eyes glowed, and I knew that this wasn't going to end well.

      "Get out!" I tried again. "You can't beat him."

     The girl smiled, "I have done this before."

     I gasped at this, she did this! Does that mean that she's a vigilante? Or that she simply helps people when she see's them getting beat up?

      The two entered into harder combat, attacks with fire and strength clashed. I laid my head on the dusty cement floor. I was tired, really tired.

      Too bad I couldn't get revenge, maybe I could do it later...


     My eyes snapped open, the girl was clutching her arm. "I hate fire." She grumbled.

     The man was grinning ear to ear. He raised his hand with fire, ready to make the finishing blow.

    And then I saw it.

     Time froze.

     The girl walked over to me, still holding her arm. I could move, but the man couldn't. It was like seeing a movie.

     "Hey!" The girl whispered to me. "To get out of here, I need to know your ability, it can help us."

     I shook my head, "m-my ab-bility, can't help u-us."

     She grabbed my hand, "please."

     I sighed in frustration, "I-its mimicry, b-but the m-mans f-fire can't help us now."

     She simply stared at me in surprise. "Mimicry! That's awesome." She activated her ability once again. "Copy mine."

      I tried to activate my ability, and ended up coughing up blood. "Owwww."

     "Try again." She encouraged, "you will be able to heal yourself!"

      I nodded, she wanted to help me. I activated my ability, and tried to control the dizziness that flooded my vision.

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