Chapter #29 John

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    "You don't want to mess with me," my voice called out flatly, "I'm rather irritable today."

     The sun shined bright, making my mood drop as usual. Heat was much harder to deal with. At least, that's what you begin to think when your best friend controls ice all the time.

    But to make my mood even worse, I had just gotten utterly embarrassed, and beaten by a girl I hardly knew.

     And too make my mood even worse than all that (nearly impossible) the blonde haired idiot in front of me was standing in my way, blocking my path.

     I had head off to the roof soon after the fight, and he just had to come and ruin my day even more than it already was.

     "I don't care if your angry," his blue eyes narrowed in disgust, "fight me."

     Well, he was asking for it... but then again, why would he? Isn't he supposed to be smart?

His features changed, I could tell that a hint of nervousness lurked somewhere beneath his strong built figure.

"Afraid already?" I asked mockingly, striking whenever the prey showed any sign of weakness. His response surprised me.

"Of course not," he seethed, baring his teeth. "What is there to be afraid of?"

Now this was weird. After beating him, I would have though that he learned some sort of lesson. But then again, I guess not. I shouldn't worry about things like that.

'You should,' the voice in my head grumbled, "its not going to end well...'

"And what do you know," I grumbled, "you can't tell what's going to happen in the future."

The blonde haired boy in front of me cocked his head, "who are you talking to?" He asked in mock interest. "A pathetic voice in your head?"

I rolled my eyes, "yeah, as if."

'Defend meeeeeeee!!!' The voice in my head yelled, 'he's so ruuuuuuuuude!!!'

I clutched my head, the screeching somehow made an impact on my physical self, and I could see Arlo smirk.

"What," his smirk widened, "Don't you have any friends? Then again," he put a hand to his chin, "you are, rather..."


My world froze, and my head began to spin.


I flinched at the memory, and my eyes closed in concentration.

But I wasn't weak, and I wasn't going to let something like that affect me.

That was the difference between me and my past. At first, I resented myself.

That was until I noticed that it was their fault.

My lip curved upwards, and I faced the tall boy in front of me.

"Arlo," I spoke calmly, "you truly are asking for a fight."

Without hesitation, he nodded, his head moving up and down, confident.

"Well then," I cracked my knuckles menacingly, Mt aura darkened. "Prepare yourself. Because after this, your going to be f*cked up."

His face didn't showcase any worry, but his eye twitched. Indicating the smallest sign of nervousness.

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