Chapter #38 Seraphina

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    My scream rang and echoed around the forest that we were in. The trees seemed to move closer on, almost as if they were trying to hide the fact that someone had fallen.


My heart sank as I tried to come up with some explanation, as to why my childhood enemy wouldn't get up. The adrenaline and worry overpowered all of my thoughts, and I could only scream one thing.


I sank to my knees, shaking and gasping for breath. I could hear the river that splashed below me, and I knew how far that drop was. And the likely possibility where he wouldn't get back up.

     And before I could stop it, the guilt began to fill me, making me cover my head with both my hands. I shouldn't have waited so long... I should have tried to save him before he fell!

    I suddenly felt an overpowering need to save him, but as I knew it was already to late. My muffled cries came out fast. But not as fast as the memories that drowned out my thoughts, and made the guilt swell.

"Arlo!" The short pinkette dashed away, giggling as she went. Her arms waved around as she exclaimed his name, and the grin on her face lightened up the room around us.

The blonde haired boy rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his pockets. But the little smile on his face was recognizable, and he walked over to the pinkette, chuckling when she ran away again.

"Seraphina!" Remi turned to me, waving me over. "Play with us!"

I cocked my head slowly, "Remi, we both know that I didn't ask you to come over to my dorm just so that you could play tag. We need to finish a project."

Remi pouted, and put both hands on her hips. "First off, me and Arlo aren't playing tag! Second, doing this is much funnier than doing a project." She stuck out her tongue, and mocked me.

"Oh?" I leaned against the wall behind me, crossing my arms, "then what are you both playing?"

"Remi wanted..." Arlo began, trying to defend what left of his dignity.

"Arlo's the monster!" The pinkette yelled, pointing to the surprised blue eyed boy. "We have to run away!"

"I am not!" Arlo crossed his arms and glared at her, "You simply asked me to chase you around, and since your brother is my teacher, it was me being nice!"

I glanced back at Remi, "If you want," I pointed to the blonde haired boy, "I can kick him out."

"No!" Remi shook her head, staring at the young boy, "he is going to play. And if not," a wicked smile crawled up her face, "Ill tell my brother you hurt me!"

Arlo paled, and he clenched his teeth. "You cant do that! Besides, thats a lie!"

"Thats the point!"

"Fine..." Arlo looked away, clearly annoyed. "I will do it, just don't tell your brother anything."

Remi nodded eagerly, the innocent smile back on her face. "Yay!" She glanced at me, her eyes narrowing once again. "Your playing as well, right?" The ending sentence held a bit of venom.

I shrugged, although I've already seen this side of her many times, it never fails to surprise me how quickly she can change attitudes. "I'm guessing that if I don't, something will happen. Or more along the lines of 'Blackmailing.'"

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