Chapter #26 Seraphina

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    A dark blue indigo, surrounded by lighter strands of aqua blue. Greenish emerald like orbs that took you into a virtual like forest. And a bright cheerful smile that would make everyone smile back.

   I gazed at the pamphlet over and over again, and narrowed my eyes when I caught sight of the ability level at the bottom.

    'Flint Slater huh,' the voice in my head laughed, 'What a weird name. Besides, what is wrong with his hair, I mean, it's even bluer than Elaine's!'

       I sighed and put my pencil down. My injuries had healed (thanks to Doc's need to get me out of the infirmary.) And I had rapidly healed, just in time to come to class and listen to the news.

       'The terrible news,' the voice in my head remarked snottily.

I ignored the side comments being made in my head, and continued to look around the pamphlet. Every description was like meeting the person them-self, and I began to dread the day we would meet.

'Name: Flint Slater
Gender: Male
Birth date: December 2 2001
Description: Flint is a hard working boy, although he has a few complications, he is able to respond politely (when he wants to). He is a little bit destructive, and hard to work with, best advised to have an authority with him at all times to keep him in check.
Ability: Mind Reading, Ice
Unusual Ability: Is able to match up to the persons ability level, no matter how small or big.
Ability Level: Depends on the person whom he is with. But normally, if not competing with another, or seeing someone use there ability, he is a 4.7
Attitude: Arrogant, Cruel, Kind (very rarely), Does not behave, a pervert.
Side Note: Whoever is going to get paired up with him, we advise that he/she is able to defend themselves and that he/she is smart enough to deal with him.

I stared at the pamphlet in horror, and laid my head back to groan. "This is going to be the worst month ever..."

'They arrive on Monday,' the voice in my head compensated, 'and it's only Friday, so you will have two days until you have to worry about him.'

I glared at the paper, and huffed a breath of annoyance. "And the worst part is, that they get to stay for a month before they leave."

'Can't you just ditch him?'

"And leave someone else to deal with him?" I asked impatiently. "I'm supposed to be a superhero."

I was met with silence, and the picture of the blue haired boy. On the bottom of the page, there were some phone numbers, and I guessed that they were his. I just hope they didn't give mine to him, I don't want him having my number.

The second class ended, and the annoying bell rang right into my ear, causing me to clutch my head in impatience. I guess with everything that was happening lately, it would make sense.

I stood up and grabbed my math textbook, math was next, and then I had lunch.

'Boooooorrrriiiiiiiing,' The voice in my head growled. 'Why don't you just skip?'

I grimaced, "why do you have to be so stubborn. I want to be smart, not like the people who skip and do not learn anything. Besides, my mom would kill me."

A few students looked at me strangely, and I noticed that I had spoken out loud.

          'Well,' The voice commented dryly, 'it looks like your becoming crazier day by day.'

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