Chapter #7 John

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Stop messing around
And do some work.

The door slammed, "I'm home dad!"

A tingle of nervousness shivered down my spine. I guess you could call it nervouscited. I was finally going to get revenge. I smirked crazily, and my dad walked in.

"Whao... John, are you okay?" He pointed to my face, "you sorta looked crazed..."

I shook my head, "don't worry dad, its just..." I searched for the word, "hormones!"

My father stared at me grimly, "I trust you John." He mumbled, "please keep your promise... and don't try to cause any trouble."

I nodded, I hated lying to him, but I didn't want him getting hurt. "Don't worry dad." I smiled, "I won't try to cause trouble." I wasn't going to try to cause any trouble. I was going to go full out directly causing panic an chaos. They aren't the same thing, right...?

My dad chuckled, "that's good to hear." He turned to me, suddenly suspicious. "Wait...? Where were you in the morning?"

'How do I get myself out of this one?' I thought rapidly, 'my dad knows pretty well. And most excuses wont work!' I shrugged, grinning ear to ear, "I made a friend!"

He visibly brightened, "really! That's awesome!!" He turned to me, "you should invite them over, I want to meet them!"

I froze, "He wasn't feeling to well today." I rushed, "besides, he doesn't didn't want any visitors." I scratched the back of my neck, "you know... first day of school. It's tough."

"Okay." My dad responded, "I hope he's a good influence, you know, nice, gentle, sweet..." My dad continued.

I frowned, 'gentle and sweet? More like badass and cruel.' I grinned "don't worry, he's a good friend, that's all that matters."

My dad shrugged, "he better." He muttered. "Oh! And what's his name?"

      I widened my eyes, and stifled a laugh. "Do you want to know what I call him?"

      My dad sighed, "no profanities please."

      I chuckled, "Blue Berry."

      My dad regarded me in shock. I turned to the clock in the kitchen. 'Shit! It's time to go to the subway! Or I'm gong to miss the new boston team!'

      I sped out the door yelling, "bye dad! I've got some, uh, business to take care of." I didn't have time to look at my dads shocked face. I need to get to the subway fast.

      I got to the nearest bus station, only having to wait a minute or two until the bus arrived.

      "Hello!" The lady driving the bus told me, "welcome to the New Bosto..."

      "Can you do your job and drive already?" I interrupted.

     She looked at me in surprise, then anger. "Insolent children." She grumbled over and over again.

      "Hey lady!" I growled, "I can f*cking hear you!"

     "That's the point."

      And that was how the longest glaring contest I have ever had, began.

      * * * * *

      I won!

      I hopped out of the bus, happy to know that I had already ruined someone's day. I had luckily arrived to the station with enough time to check if the team had arrived.

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