Chapter #21 John

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Authors Note:
I'm not sure why I haven't ever done this before, but here goes...
Thank you for reading my book! I was literally surprised when I found out people actually like this, because my writing is not exactly perfect, and well... I could literally go on and on about the flaws in this book. But you know what, let skip right to the important stuff so you can go on and read the chapter.
1) Thank you (which I have said a million times).
2) For everyone who reads UnOrdinary fan fictions, try making your own! When I began this book, before, all I did was read books other people made. But when I tried writing for myself, it was actually really fun! So I suggest to everyone to keep your courage and try to write an amazing story created by you!
3) Enjoy the story!

        The air tensed, and the dice was rolled. Everyone stood in defensive positions, having no idea what would occur.

I peered over to look at the dice, and I smiled. I patted the magenta haired girls head. Her horror stricken face matched nobody else's in the room.

Arlo shrugged, but I could tell that he supported the idea of having the high rankers on the top.

Remi on the other hand was beaming, but I could tell that she was worried for the girl next to her. She was going to have to deal with me after all.

Seraphina stood up, she sprinted to the office door, and I could see her limp.

"Hey!" I called after her, "let me help..."

I felt a hand in my shoulder, "best to leave her alone," the pinkette told me. "She wouldn't like to be followed."

They didn't notice her injuries?

I shoved my shoulder over her hand, and walked on. "I don't take advice from a midget."

I could feel the intensity of her glare daring through my back as I left the room. Didn't matter anyway, I was simply pointing out the obvious.

The students scattered when seeing me in the hall, none of them wanted to be facing my wrath anytime soon.

I heard towards the roof, but when I opened the door, nobody was there.

'How in the world did you think you would find her here?' The voice in my head asked, 'didn't she already prove to you that she was smart enough?'

I rolled my eyes, but walked over to the edge of the roof anyway.

"Maybe I could stay here and skip," I smiled to no one in particular. "It's a nice place, and I like nice places."

The breeze waved around, and I leaned against the fence. My eyes closed and I relaxed.

My blue coat waved around like a reminder that it was cold.

"Next step," I mumbled, "make fear in everyone and rule Wellston."

But as I said these words, something occurred to me.

I had literally just been nice to the girl I was having the hardest time to put fear in.

'Maybe it was because you didn't want to,' the voice in my head smirked, 'although I question why.'

I shook my head, "no, I just slipped up. It won't happen again."

'Really?" The voice asked teasingly, 'when you were trying to find her again, that wasn't your intention.'

I gripped my head hard, and growled. "Shut up!"

'But I'm only pointing out the obvious,' it continued, 'its your choice whether to accept it or not.'

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