Chapter #2 Seraphina

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I sat at one of the red cushiony chairs at a well known cafe, the seat only comforting me to an extent. My eyes flickered back and forth, peering at my drink, and then to the person beside me. I took a long sip from the delicious orange yellowish sweetness, delving into the flavour once more.

"Uhm, Seraphina?" The small rose haired girl beside me asked, "Could I ask you a question?"

I nodded, gulping down the drink. "Ask you what you'd like Remi." Her amber orbs stared at mine, narrowing in concentration.

"Well," She began, "I overheard you talking to your mom on the phone, and..." She continued, growing more and more confused, "You didn't seem really happy, you two were talking about academics and ability's, and what you should and should not do." She paused, "I just want you to be happy."

A little annoyed that my friend had overheard me speak with my mother lingered, but I held it back. Cocking my my head to the side, "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked in confusion, "I have everything I possibly need, good grades, an amazing ability, a family."

Remi nodded, but she didn't look convinced, "My point is," she stated, "Is that what you are doing, getting those perfect grades, using your ability the way others want you to, and believing what isn't true." She sighed in frustration, "You aren't happy! Anyone could see that, so I decided to confront you about it."

      "Then what is being happy," I asked, a little bit skeptical, "And what is your proof that I haven't been living it for the past years?"

She stood up, "You aren't happy! Because none of these things you listed before are something that you really want! Besides, you are always alone, studying or training something! When will you take a break?"

I crossed my arms, "What I do is my responsibility, you would understand, you have parents as well. They give you privileges and responsibilities."

Remi shook her head, "Not like this," she muttered, "The way I see it, you aren't getting any privileges, what would you like to do that you haven't done before? I had to literally drag you over here so that you could for once feel what a Boba tasted like!" She looked away, "You're getting the short end of the stick..."

I shrugged, "What do you mean privileges? Besides, I didn't want to come, because I was studying for..."

"Exactly my point!" Remi yelled pointing her finger at me, "You never have time for yourself, you never get to do any of the things you would actually like to do!" Her eyes blazed with determination, "I will not let you simply throw your life away for others!"

"But in the end," I said with more of an authority voice, "Its my choice."

Remi sighed in exasperation, "It is, but I just want you to hear me out!"

"If that's what you want," I told her. I put my ego away quietly making sure that I wouldn't have any outburst.

She sat back down, "let's begin with the basics, do you enjoy studying, please answer me truthfully."

I took a big breath in and out, "Nit exactly, depends what subject and how the studying leads on. But it's a..."

Remi grinned, "That's all I needed to hear," she chirped interrupting me.

I grinded my teeth, "Then what more do you want?"

"Oh," she told me in shock, "We are nowhere close to done." I groaned at that. "Second question," she held up one finger, " Do you like beating up the people that interrupt you or somehow end up in your way? In the hallway or something."

I shook my head, "I just think it's unnecessary but Arlo said..."

"That wonderful!" Remi interrupted me again, "Oh, and don't listen to that ass, he really knows nothing."

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