Chapter #10 Seraphina

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        Don't judge me, I was born to be awesome
Not perfect

          I opened my eyes, only to quickly shut them. The boys father was angry, and I didn't really feel strong enough to face another hater again.

         I struggled a little bit, trying to give the boy a signal that I wanted to get down. He quickly let me go, and I stood up fast.

         "I should go!" I told both men as I made my way to the door.

          "No!" The boy reached out to grab my arm. "Your hurt! You need to get treated!"

         I stared at the boys father, "I don't belong here." I told him, "and some people here don't want me here, it would be best if I left..."

          The raven haired boy shook his head, "You are going to stay put." His glare gave me the feeling that he wasn't going to back down.

          I grimaced, "I make that decision." With that, I opened the door and stepped out.

          Abruptly, two hands grabbed my shoulders and threw me back inside.

          I rubbed my shoulders softly, they still hadn't recovered...

          I could feel a dark aura emitted from the boy. "I make the decisions." He demanded.

          'What the hell?' Was the first thing I thought. I turned my head to see what the man had to say.

         He stood there shocked, and then groaned. "John. For once in your life, could you please be reasonable?" He turned to me, "you brought in an injured girl, and she decided that she wants to leave. So why don't you let her leave?" He glared at me, "besides, I don't really appreciate you disappearing and showing up with a girl in your arms."

          I stood up once again, my confidence had come back. Besides, I think I would be able to activate my ability if I needed it...

           My footsteps echoed through the room as I walked past the boy. "You had good intentions." I told him thoughtfully, "but don't try to help me..."

          I could tell that it would have been better if I hadn't said anything at all. Because when he turned to me, the evil glint in his eye didn't give me a sense of comfort.

          The boy turned to his father once again. "Look," He said plainly, "I'm just going to get her healed, nothing extreme okay?"

          The man crossed his arms, "I want to hear the whole story after, Okay?"

        The boy nodded, "Fine."

          "It didn't say yes..." I protested in annoyance.

            The boy shrugged, "you don't really have much of a choice."

          I had enough. Getting treated like a weakling two times in a day was a little bit too much for me. So my eyes glinted, and I pushed the boy back in his house, shutting the door with all my might, and running for my dear life.

          As expected, the boy opened the door immediately after. He was angry. But I couldn't care less.

          I ran far, hoping that I would find a place that I had seen before. But to my utter disappointment, I hadn't ever come to New Boston, and I knew nothing.

          The boy continued to chase me, and I wasn't going to well anymore. The injuries slowed me down a bit, and the fact that I had overused my ability before wasn't helping.

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