Chapter #4 Seraphina

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Life is full of surprises!
   You don't know what will hit you!

      I relaxed my head against the fluffy pillow, my covers didn't cover me at all, and I continued to stare at the ceiling as if it held all the answers. The phone had stopped buzzing with new messages, and I held comfort in knowing that Elaine didn't know. Remi had constantly kept messaging me, threats, confusion, and worry filled her messages.


      Remi: ...

      Seraphina: You don't mind, right?

      Remi: what the hell??!!

      Remi: please tell me you are joking!!

      Remi: have you gone insane?

      Seraphina: Stop, hear me out, it's not for the reasons you think.

      Remi: Why would I hear you out? You aren't making any sense!

      Seraphina: Look, you told me to do something I enjoyed, and this is it. If I do this, I will shame my mother, and she will no longer try to control me. After that, I can do what I please, I would still get good grades, and harness my ability, but I will be more free.

      Remi: It's still really crazy!

      Seraphina: I know, you just need to understand my perspective.

      Remi: Well I can't do that by texting, it's Sunday tomorrow, are you free?

      Seraphina: I only have,
               -Turf Wars
              -Job interview
      Remi: You have a job interview??? Since when do you work??

      Seraphina: Think about it, the day I tell my mom I'm a vigilante, is the day I will no longer have her supporting my loans.

      Remi: That's just plain sad, why do you want to shame your mother if this will be a problem?

      Seraphina: I've had enough, and besides, I was planning on getting a job anyway. I wanted to get some experience for my future careers.

      Remi: Fine, But be careful, if all your expenses are being cut off, then I think you will need more than just a part time job.

Seraphina: Not exactly, my mother paid all my school fees, I mean all of them. Now, all I need to do, is get money for food, water, and personal stuff.

Remi: Well that makes it a lot easier, but back on topic, are you free tomorrow?

Seraphina: Yes I am, from 2-4 I have Turf Wars, you do too, and from 8-10 Elaine decided to force me into a movie night. So my morning and lunch are free. In the after noon, me and Elaine clean our dorm.

Remi: Sounds good! How about lunch at the mall?

Seraphina: That works, still, I am still getting used to the fact that I am going out for lunch or dinner. So please don't bring me anywhere I don't know, okay?

Remi: Fine, But remember, if you are going to be free soon, then you need to get accustomed to these types of things.

Seraphina: We will see, besides, who said in my free time, I was going to spend it in cafes or restaurants?

      Remi: Me

      Seraphina: Well if that's all you have to say, then I got to go.

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