The Little Bonus

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Nell = Lemoinx
Karusa = Chryomancer
Jeremy = Korondos
Fierzza = Fierzza

It was silent, just like it usually was. The office never really held much noise, unless you want to include the bickering that often came from the authorities, when they were too bored to do anything else.

    But today was silent, with a reason of course. Four students stared at the wall, contemplating on what they would be facing in the near future. A nervous feeling tingled deeply in all their stomachs, and although they were often courageous, the thought of beginning at a new school was all new to them.

    A young girl seated at the very edge of the comfy seats sighed, and had her head in both her hands. The clicking of her foot indicating that she was nervous, and that she wanted to get over with what was going to happen.

Her light brown hair shone in the sun, which was just rising. It illuminated her gold streaks, and her hazel orbs stared at absolutely everything, trying to hold in her patience. At least what she had left of it.

    "Hey," a voice called out, bringing her attention to the boy beside her, "Are you okay? You look really nervous, and impatient. Mostly impatient."

    She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it. Then, she cocked her head in his direction, grimacing. "Was I really that obvious?"

     The boy beside her smiled, "not really, I guess I just notice things like that." He motioned to her foot, "that was an indication."

     She stared at her leg, almost as if she was about to say 'seriously?' And then she turned to face him again, his black hair was the first thing she noticed. Almost like a raven... then, his onyx brown eyes caught her attention, they were calm, but somewhat observant.

      "Sorry about that then," she mumbled, scratching the back of her head sheepishly. "I just want to get this over with."

     The boy nodded, and held his hand out, "well anyway, the name is Karusa. What about you?"

     "My name is Nell," she took his hand, and they both shook hands. "It relaxing to know that I'm not the only new person here."

     Another boy sitting on one of the chairs stared at the two as they made their conversation. He narrowed his eyes and decided to join in.

    "You both," he pointed towards both of the students, the only ones who were talking. "Do you know when the teachers letting us in the classroom, or when we even get chosen to go to a classroom?"

    Karusa shrugged, "don't ask me. Nobody's told me anything, and it seems as if nobody's been told anyway."

    Nell nodded, "same, I have no idea what's going on next."

    The boy who had asked the question sighed unhappily, "I just hope the teacher I get doesn't give out homework. That's the one thing I cannot stand."

    "Homework?" Karusa asked, lifting his eyebrows. "Well, I guess everyone has their own say in that."

     Nell put both hands on her knees. "If I'm ever doing homework," she whispered, "never give me sugar."

     Both boys glanced at her, "why?"

     She smiled, "let's just say I never get any work done. My friends always used to give me a dose of sugar right before we did anything super important." She sighed, and propped an elbow on her knee, "I would laugh at all they told me... those were good times."

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