Chapter #46 Seraphina

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Today was supposed to be a good day. The birds had been chirping early in the morning, as I remember. The sun was bright, and it was a nice feeling on my skin. I was thinking about how today could go wrong, but had quickly brushed it off. Now, at this moment, I noticed, no, knew, that I should've dwelled on it.

But it was too late.

"J-john..." My voice cracked ever so slightly, trying to fight the hard grip on my throat. I glanced at his face for any reaction, but all I could see was his stoic non-emotional face. Staring right back at me.

My eyes scanned the field around me, people lay unconscious, most of them unknown, but that didn't matter. I needed to stop him, and at this moment, it was almost impossible to think of anything else, especially with hands clasped around your neck.

What was his object anyway?

Right then, when I thought it wouldn't get any better, and that I would have to wait and try nt to lose conscious, he began to speak.

"I'm not that little boy anymore..."

My eyes widened at his soft croaked tear filled voice. He glanced up at me, and I was even more surprised to see his tear stained face looking back at mine.

"I promise..."

I couldn't stop myself from mumbling a soft, "J-john, its okay..." But was met with a dead silence, almost as if he hadn't heard me.

"I promise..."

I could even hear myself as a soft gasp escaped my lips. His grip around my throat had gotten stronger, and I was doing everything in my power not to thrash and cry out.

'Use your ability...'

"I promise..."

       No... I shouldn't. If I was to do something like that, it would be much more likely for him to mimic it, and I would be toast...

'And so what do you propose? Getting chocked to death is better?'

        My mind was beginning to get fuzzy, and the voice on my head seemed to be making more and more sense. There was nothing wrong with using my ability, right?

       Yes. I should use my ability....

       I should?

       'Make a decision already! I can't believe you are acting like this, even though you are being choked, I would've thought you knew better than that! Make the decision, it's now or never!'

        I will use my ability.

        Even though my vision was practically the blurriest it would be, I still felt confident in using my ability. Or maybe that was the impulse of the situation or because the choking was stopping me from thinking properly? I don't know.

       I felt a large amount of power run through my body as my eyes glinted a shining blue. Almost immediately, John dropped me, probably on surprise.

       Although I had wanted to get into a ready position, I couldn't stop myself from falling to the ground and coughing. Oh, and don't forget the useless gasps in it too, it was simply impossible to avoid it, and I needed to get up fast.


      I glanced up at the black haired boy, who was shaking, eyes wide with fear, worry, or something else. His hands were trembling, and I could tell he was almost at the brink of crying.

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