Chapter #5 John

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Sometimes, even the devil on my shoulder asks,
"What the f*ck are you doing?"

      The next day was worse than yesterday. I hadn't heard anything from Claire or her morons, and life became boring once again. So as usual, I decided to take a walk around town, surprisingly I couldn't find any of New Boston's students. Was Claire trying to keep everyone close, so that no one could get hurt? If so, she was more stupid than I thought. If she didn't show up, then I would make her.

Today was Sunday, and if I was correct, New Boston was participating in Turf Wars! This was a perfect chance to ambush them!

"As I was saying," the news reporter on the screen began, "the so called group called Ember striked once again!"

I turned my head in wonder, the group Ember? From what I heard, it was really powerful! But why did they strike on superheroes? It had to be villains, who else would have a grudge against these vigilantes?

I decided to try to think about it, but under 10 minutes, I was clutching my head cursing. My dad was right, I really was bad academically.

The news reporter continued, "the group called Ember has targeted over fifty superheroes, and now, we all wonder if these superheroes really are saving people? Or are they simply dying while pursuing a childish fairy tale?"

I clenched my teeth, I understood what they believed, but didn't they see the effort these superheroes were putting to go through this? Didn't they see the bravery it took to keep on helping, after these deaths?

"So now," the news reporter said with sorrow, "superheroes, now called vigilantes, are illegal in the country. Yes, it is a little bit confusing, and surprising, but it is now illegal. If you are caught doing this, you will be given a either 2 months of jail, or a fine of 5000 dollars."

I widened my eyes, now there was punishment for it? What were they thinking? What was going on?

I saw a figure standing, same as me, wide eyed, and mumbling some curses. Before yelling, "this doesn't f*cking make sense! Why do these so called authorities make everything so difficult!"

I turned to the figure, he appeared to be a blue haired boy, seemed a little bit older than me. But the scar against his cheek made him look a little bit scarier. His eyes were a pale emerald green, and he was wearing a New Boston School uniform.

He glared at me, "what do you want? Are you scared?" He grinned.

I cocked my head, "no, just surprised." I told him smirking, "you might want to watch what you say around here," I pointed to the people around, "you look new here, and just a tip. Everyone's your enemy." With that, I turned around and began to walk away.

As expected, he ran over to me, "what do you mean everyone's your enemy? Besides, I think I recognize you." He grabbed my wrist, "tell me," he said forcefully, "if you want, I could simply beat it out of you!"

I laughed, "I don't think you could do that," I grinned cockily, "your not qualified."

He nodded, "I get it, this is how people usually think, arrogant brats like you should pay more attention." He turned to me, " well, you say your strong, prove it."

I raised my eyebrows, "you want to fight?

He nodded, "give it all you got."

It was now my turn to grab his wrist, "if we are going to fight, best not here, rumours get around fast."

He grinned, "so you say yes!"

"Fine," I grumbled.

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