Chapter #32 Seraphina

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Okay, before we move on with the chapter, I just want you guys to know that the herbs on Docs list (the one that Keene have John) aren't all from where the UnOrdinary Cast are, much less in that forest. So if you do know these herbs, it's truly fictional how they find them. Besides, It would be too hard to research a bunch of different types of herbs in one forest specifically where they are. Sorry!

    Doc's Herbs:
3 Whole bags of raw garlic
2 Whole bags of ginger
5 Whole bags of Spanish Bayonet
1 Whole bag of Ginseng
6 Whole bags of Pennyroyal
2 Whole bags of Turmeric
7 Whole bags of Gingko Biloba
9 Whole bags of St. John's Wort (and actual herb, search it up)

I stared at the paper, not sure whether to laugh or curse Doc for getting me in detention. Especially with an idiot and a boy that could easily blackmail me.

"So," the idiot spoke, he was nervous. "Which way should we go?"

I didn't even want to answer, so I left the other boy to do that.

"It depends on the herbs we need to find," Arlo grumbled, "which we would know if Seraphina didn't keep them all to herself."

I looked up, and sent him a glare. "It's not like I trust any of you with it, what would you expect?"

Arlo held his hand out, "just give it to me, do you even know half the herbs they speak of?"

I rolled my eyes, "of course not, we don't study herbs in science or outdoor Ed. But there is pictures, and I'm pretty good at improvising."

"That still isn't enough," the idiot mumbled, "Blondie, do you know any of the herbs?"

Arlo's eyebrow twitched, "Blondie? Like hell I'm going to let you go around saying that. Besides, Seraphina still hasn't given me the sheet."

"And I'm not going to," I responded.

Both boys glared at me, and I ignored them.

"Arlo," I turned around, "I will tell you the names, but I'm not giving you the sheet."

The blonde haired boy must have given up trying to see that sheet, because he sighed, and nodded. "Fine."

I began with the first one, "Well, we all know what Raw Garlic is." I looked over at the idiot, "what about you?"

He glared back, "of course I know what it is, do you think I'm stupid?"

"Is that a rhetorical question?" I asked, "because the answer would obviously be yes."

He looked away, and I could hear him curse.

"Just continue telling me the herbs," Arlo groaned, putting a hand to his head in annoyance.

"The next one we all know," I continued, "it's ginger. So then, do any of you know what Turmeric is?"

Arlo shook his head, "never heard of it."

"Turmeric?" The idiot cocked his head, "Turmeric is a herb, right? My dad puts it in his curry all the time."

Both me and Arlo stared at him, "you are useful..."

He growled, and crossed his arms, "of course I am, what did you two actually expect?"

      I ignored him, and searched for another herb I didn't know. "Hmmm, do any of you know what a Gingko Biloba is?"

    It was silent, and I took that as a no.

    "Okay then, what about a Spanish Bayonet?"

     No answer.

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